Vokabelliste: Geschirrspüler

Vokabelliste: Geschirrspüler

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der Geschirrspüler, – dishwasher
spülen to do dishes; to rinse
der Aufbau (+ Genitiv) (1) structure, configuration, composition; (2) construction, building (up) [in this second sense, use “Bau” for the physical building of something on a construction site, and “Aufbau” to describe the sequential building up of e.g. an infrastructure or a network]
die Funktionsweise refers to the manner in which (or just: how) something works
der Betrieb, -e (1) operation (of a device) (no plural in this sense); (2) company, enterprise, plant
der Strom; der Stromanschluss, ¨-e electricity, (electrical) power; connection to the (electric) power supply
der Wasserzufluss; der Wasserabfluss water supply; water drain
sprühen to spray [==> die Sprühdose = spray can]
der Stromverbrauch power consumption [analogous (nicht auf dem Quiz): Benzinverbrauch, Wasserverbrauch etc.]
die Wirkung, -en effect
die Oberfläche, -n surface
die Düse, -n nozzle/jet/spray valve
tropfen; der Tropfen, – to drip; drop
das Sieb, -e sieve, strainer, colander, grate
der Trichter, – [==> trichterförmig] funnel
die Lauge, -n 1. soapy water; 2. lye [i.e. a strongly alkaline solution (e.g. of NaOH). Lye is used e.g. for cleaning or making soap.]
aus•rüsten; die Ausrüstung to equip; equipment [refers to a set of tools or devices needed for a task; a piece of equipment is usually “das Gerät” or “die Anlage”; the interior equipment of a car is “die Innenausstattung”]
reinigen; die Reinigung to clean; cleaning [also means: dry cleaner [i.e. the business/store]]
wasserdicht watertight, waterproof
der Behälter, – container
verdunsten to evaporate
auf•lösen; lösen; (auf)gelöst; die Lösung, -en to dissolve; to solve; (dis)solved [i.e. “aufgelöst” and “gelöst” can both mean “dissolved”; gelöst can also mean “solved”]; solution
der Schalter, – switch
die Menge, -n amount [note: die Mengenlehre = set theory in Math]
das Geschirr dishes
das Besteck silverware
der Korb, ¨-e basket
die Schublade, -n drawer
ziehen, zog, hat gezogen to pull
mindestens at least
betragen, er/sie/es/they beträgt, betrug, hat betragen to amount to [der Betrag is specifically an amount of money]
vorhanden sein to be present/available
erheblich substantial(ly) [used with comparatives, and with words that describe change such as Verbesserungen, Einsparungen, beschädigt [=damaged], gesteigert [=increased]. It’s also used with the words Kosten and belastet [=burdened]/Belastung [=burden].
zahlreich numerous
sich befinden, befand sich, hat sich befunden to be located
der Deckel, – lid [think of die Decke = ceiling, blanket; entdecken = to discover]
weich/hart soft/hard
die Voraussetzung, -en precondition
glänzend; glänzen shiny, shining; to shine

Nützliche Vokabeln [Nicht im Quiz]

die Grundausstattung basic equipment, standard equipment
an•fallen, er/sie/es/they fällt an, fiel an, ist angefallen refers to the occurrence of something that needs to be taken care of (like dishes, tasks, trash)
das Fassungsvermögen capacity (refers to the volume or quantity of “stuff” a device can hold)
das Maßgedeck, -e complete table setting for one person [the term “Gedeck” is more common]
der Reinigungsvorgang cleaning cycle
der Klarspülvorgang; der Klarspüler rinse cycle; rinse agent
der Wasserstrahl, -en jet of water [analogously (nicht auf dem Quiz): der Lichtstrahl = ray of light; die Strahlung = radiation]
die Speisereste (pl.) food remnants
  • to remove (by peeling off or by dissolving the bonds between the item and the thing it’s attached to: e.g. Briefmarken [=stamps] ablösen = removing stamps from an envelope by bathing them in water or steam; Speisereste ablösen = to remove food particles by rinsing or scrubbing);
  • this word is also used when someone is replaced by a new person at the end of a work shift or a military duty shift (“Wann löst mich endlich jemand ab?”) or if a person or a team is replaced in a leadership position or in a ranking, or if a procedure is replaced by a newer procedure.
um•wälzen [==> die Umwälzpumpe, -n]

to cause to circulate or rotate (e.g. the water in a dishwasher or the laundry in a washing machine)

  • distinguished from “drehen” or “rotieren” in that it implies that the process is somewhat laborious and/or messy, unlike e.g. the neat rotation of planets or wheels
  • distinguished from “herum•wirbeln,” which also implies a messy process, in that it is slower: “herumwirbeln” is always a speedy process
die Kreiselpumpe, -n centrifugal pump, rotary pump
X wird Y (Dat.) zugeführt X is brought to Y, Y is provided/supplied with X
gerichtete Düsen directed nozzle/jet/spray valve
der Fächer [==> fächerförmig] fan
fördern to pump, to convey (also means: to promote (e.g. an agenda, progress, well-being) and to mine (i.e. to obtain resources such as coal by mining))
das Ziel, -e; erzielen goal [goals in soccer are “das Tor”; “der Zweck” is similar but refers to more concrete goals/purposes]; to attain (a result one was aiming for)
die Einspülkammer, -n dispenser compartment (for the soap and rinse agent)
betätigen to activate, to operate
die Dosiereinrichtung, -en doser, i.e. device that provides a desired dosage of something
der Spülgang rinse cycle
einstellbar adjustable, i.e. capable of being “eingestellt” [=set]
die Oberflächenspannung surface tension
herab•setzen reduzieren, senken
hauchdünn extremely thin
der Ionen(aus)tauscher, – ion exchanger [==> water softener]
der Belag, ¨-e coating
entziehen, entzog, hat entzogen (+ Dat.) to remove from
je nach Bedarf as needed
die Inbetriebnahme initial operation
entfernen to remove
der Hersteller, – manufacturer
verschmutzt soiled
die Erkenntnis, -se insight, knowledge [==> neue Erkenntnisse might be translated as “advances in technology”]