Vokabelliste: Solararchitektur
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speichern | to store (energy, supplies, data); to save (data) |
die Heizung; heizen | heating, heater; to heat (buildings, vehicles) |
der Strahl, -en; strahlen | ray (e.g. of light; usually used in the plural for electromagnetic rays, lasers, radiation etc.); to radiate |
kurzwellig; langwellig | short wave; long wave |
Energie sparen | to save/conserve energy |
der Verlust, -e | loss |
der Beton | concrete |
der Ziegelstein, -e, der Ziegel | brick |
der Lehm | clay |
die Wärmedämmung | insulation |
die Wärmeleitfähigkeit | heat conductivity |
der Schaum, ¨- | foam |
ein•setzen | to deploy (as in: to use) [use this with abstract terms like “Wissen,” “Methoden” or “Mittel” [=means], with police or military resources [e.g. Atomwaffen, Tränengas, Truppen [=troops], die Polizei], or with energy or machinery considered in the context as a resource [e.g. Solarenergie, Busse] |
konsequent | rigorous, consistent [in the sense of rigorously or consistently acting with a specific goal in mind] |
gewinnen, gewann, hat gewonnen | to harvest a resource (energy, oil etc.); to win |
günstig | favorable [==> depending on the context this can mean e.g. energy efficient, cheap, etc.] |
schräg | aslant, at an angle, tilted etc. |
eventuell | possibly [NOT eventually] |
gängig | currently prevalent, in standard use |
etwas schaffen | to manage to get something done [can also be used for creating works of art; “erschaffen” is used for the creation of the world] |
sich bewähren | to prove one’s effectiveness/worth |
senkrecht zu (liegen) | (to lie) perpendicular to |
die Sonneneinstrahlung | incident solar radiation |
das Vordach, ¨-er | projecting roof, canopy |
die Blende, -n | illusionistic facade feature [see Wikipedia] |
Fensterläden [pl.] | window shutters |
die Rollläden | German style roll-down wooden/vinyl shutters |
die Abschattung, -en | provision of shade for a building by means of walls, other buildings, trees, etc. |
die Isolierverglasung | double glazing (for insulation) |
die Wärmeschutzverglasung | double glazed windows with a “low-emissivity” coating of e.g. silver on the inner pane, which lets visible light pass through but prevents infrared light from leaving |
der Wintergarten, ¨- | garden conservatory (“glassy” addition to a house; primarily for plants) |
die Auslegung | layout, design |
Trombe-Wand | Trombe Wall |
das Thermosiphonsystem | Thermosiphon system |