Vokabelliste: Werkstoffliches Kunststoffrecycling
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das Recycling, die Wiederverwertung | recycling |
werkstoffliches Recycling | recycling that produces new materials without altering the chemical composition of the recycled materials |
rohstoffliches Recycling | recycling that produces new raw materials by simplifying the chemical composition of the recycled materials |
recyceln | to recycle [industrially or privately] |
wieder verwerten | to recycle [used in industrial/economic contexts; can’t use this to say “I recycle”] |
wieder aufbereiten, die Wiederaufbereitung | to recycle, to reprocess nuclear waste for reuse [used in industrial/economic contexts; can’t use this to say “I recycle”] |
seinen Müll trennen [“ich trenne meinen Müll”] | to recycle [privately] |
wieder verwenden; die Wiederverwendung | to reuse; reuse |
der Kunststoff, -e | plastic, synthetic material |
der Rohstoff, -e | raw material |
die Verpackung, -en | packaging |
der Abfall, ¨-e; der Müll | garbage, trash |
verwerten; die Verwertung | to make use of, to exploit; utilization, exploitation [used specifically with things like ideas, data and inventions on the one hand, and things like leftovers, byproducts and garbage on the other hand] |
das Granulat, -e | pellets, granulate material |
das Gehäuse, – | casing |
sortieren | to sort |
trennen | to separate |
das Sieb, -e; sieben | sieve, strainer; to pass something through a sieve, to sift, to strain |
der Magnet, -e or -en | magnet |
das Eisen | iron |
das Metall, -e | metal |
das Aluminium | alumin(i)um |
die Pappe | cardboard |
der Karton, -s | cardboard box |
das Styropor | styrofoam |
das Erzeugnis, -se | (industrial) product |
her•stellen | to produce, manufacture |
schmelzen, er/sie/es/they schmilzt, schmolz, hat/ist geschmolzen |
to melt |
das Gemisch; mischen, vermischen | mixture; to mix |
die Mühle, -n; mahlen, mahlte, hat gemahlen | mill; to grind (as in a mill, i.e. for making things smaller, not e.g. for grinding one’s teeth or grinding a knife) |
die Schwerkraft | gravity, gravitational force |
die Zentrifugalkraft, ¨-e; die Zentripetalkraft, ¨-e | centrifugal force; centripetal force |
die Dichte | density |
erhalten, er/sie/es/they erhält, erhielt, hat erhalten | to conserve, to preserve; to receive [more formal than “bekommen” in this sense] |
zusätzlich | in addition, additional(ly) |
stet, stetig; stets | continuous, steady (in the sense of: continuous); always |
der Aufwand; aufwändig [old spelling: aufwendig] | expenditure of money or other resources; costly, elaborate, lavish |
verschmutzt | contaminated, soiled, polluted |
verzichten auf | to do without, to forgo |
anschließend | subsequently |
die Stufe, -n | step |
der Windsichter, – | air separator [i.e. a separator that uses a blower] |
die Störstoffe | foreign or undesirable objects/substances [in the recycling context] |
der Wirbelstromscheider, – | Wirbel = whirl, eddy; Wirbelstrom = a turbulent flow of air; Wirbelstromscheider = a separator that employs a turbulent flow of air |
das Trommelsieb, -e | sieve or strainer in the form of a drum |
der Verbundstoff, -e | composite material |
der Ballen, – | bale |
sortenrein | unmixed |
an•fallen, er/sie/es/they fällt an, fiel an, ist angefallen |
to accrue, to accumulate; conjugated with “haben,” it also means “to attack,” and is used especially for animals attacking people, or for people attacking each other brutally |
das Ausgangsprodukt, -e | the initial product [analogous to: die Ausgangssituation, the initial situation] |
die Kunststoffleiste, -n | plastic rail |
verdreckt | filthy, dirty (worse than “schmutzig”) |
die Scherkraft, ¨-e | shearing force |
anteilig | proportionate, proportional(ly) |
das Bindemittel, – | adhesive or bonding agent |
das Duromer | duromer, thermosetting plastic [this type of plastic hardens permanently after an initial application of heat when it is produced, and cannot be remoulded, unlike thermoplastic plastic] |