Deutsch 101: Stunde 2
Outline plan:
- Informal review of Stunde 1: Wie heißen Sie, Was ist das? Numbers etc.
- Cartoon overhead: “Besetzt [=occupied] – Verzeihung!“
- Cartoon overhead: “Lemming-Raketenwissenschaftler“
- Cartoon overhead: “Meine Vier!“
- Pronunciation Practice: Overhead: Probe 1 (Here is Audio of Probe 1)
- Aktivität 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Listen to Annas Albtraum, pp. 4-5
- You can listen to the audio in the eBook, or you can hear the more entertaining version (from an older edition of the book) that we play in class. This is on Canvas > Files > Annas Träume > Annas Albtraum
- Overhead: “Kleiner Dialog” [Time permitting]
- Homework preview