Deutsch 101: Stunde 19
Outline plan:
- Aktivität 2. Supplementary translation questions:
- I carry the luggage [tragen = to wear, to carry]
- I always carry the luggage
- I only carry the luggage [only = nur (Kapitel 2!)]
- I bring the luggage along
- I bring my parents along
- I bring the pork along
- I bring the train station along
- I eat
- I eat something
- Maybe I’ll eat something [Use present tense!]
- I eat pork
- I only eat pork
- I eat some pork [“etwas” means “some” in this context]
- I’ll probably eat some pork [Use present tense!]
- I eat the train station
- I always eat the train station
- Maybe I’ll eat the train station [Use present tense!]
- Probably I will eat the train station [Use present tense!]
- Anna smiles
- Maybe Anna smiles
- The pork smiles
- In Ann Arbor, there is a train station
- There is pork in the [im] luggage
- There is always pork in the [im] luggage
- Why is there always pork in the [im] luggage?
- I only understand train station (Remember this expression from the Im Deutschunterricht handout!)
- Overhead: bestimmt/sicher/wohl/wahrscheinlich (Rotate partners in two facing lines; one line is Deutsche, the other Amerikaner*innen)
- Note the Sprache im Alltag box on p.81 and its explanations of “bestimmt,” “wohl,” etc.
- Remember that if a verb has a stem-change, the stem-change only happens in the 2nd and 3rd person singular (i.e. the du- and er/sie/es-forms). So: du isst, but ich esse; du siehst, but ich sehe; du trägst, but ich trage etc.
- Listen to the Anlauftext [pp. 82-83 in the eBook] and do Aktivität 5
- Versteht sie etwas von Politik? von Fußball? = Does she know anything about politics/soccer? [Literally: Does she understand something of…]
- Aktivität 7 (Partner*innen): Replay the text, then do the activity.
- Overhead: “Die typische Studentin.”
- Instructor reads statements from the overhead (without showing it); students decide in groups if these are typical of a student
- Instructor shows the overhead; class discusses what was/was not “typisch”
- Students describe themselves based on the prompts on the overhead, e.g. Ich stehe um 9 Uhr auf; Ich schlafe nicht in meinen Kursen; Ich rufe meine Familie jeden Tag an; Ich lerne in meinem Zimmer etc.
- Note the stem-changing verbs in many of these questions!
- Choose from the following two activities
- Either: Try a few items from the version of the grammar pre-quiz that was due today with all 50 questions from the item bank
- OR: Wie sagt man “What do you like to eat?” [Was isst du gern?”] Wie sagt man “I like to eat SPAM®?” [Ich esse gern SPAM®] ==> Partners discuss what they like to eat using the food vocab p. 117