Deutsch 102 Stunde 8
Outline plan:
- Informal activity before class begins: discuss with a partner Section C (and, time permitting, B) of the vocab worksheet that was due today.
- Kettenreaktion (“Chain reaction”): Ich habe am ______________ Geburtstag. Und du?
- OR: Students form sentences about their lives using “am + date”
- OR: Students form sentences about life at UofM using “am + date”
- Peter Fox: Haus am See
- Die Idee des Lieds [=of the song]: Hier bin ich geboren [=born], hier bin ich zu Hause. Hier kenne ich alles. Das ist langweilig. Also [=thus, so] gehe ich in die Welt [=out into the world]. Mein Leben ist gut und schlecht: es gibt Katastrophen und es gibt tolle Partys. Am Ende komme ich nach Hause. Ich habe eine große Familie, ein Haus am See, und alles ist gut.
- Partner*innen: Translate the excerpts from the lyrics in the “Warum ist das relevant” section of the webpage.
- Watch the video once. Pairs discuss what they understood. Collect results on the board.
- Read the Text/Vokabeln section of the webpage
- Watch the video again. Pairs discuss what they understood. Collect results on the board.
- Brief general discussion of the song – e.g.:
- Translate “Ein Frauenchor am Straßenrand, der für mich singt”
- Hat er ein Ziel [=goal]?
- Ist er am Anfang zufrieden? Und am Ende?
- Was bedeutet “beschreiben”? Wie beschreibt er sich am Ende? [100 Jahre alt, taub, weißer Bart]. Was bedeutet “100 Enkel?” Ist er glücklich? Sind Sie glücklich, wenn Sie 100 Jahre alt und taub sind, aber eine große Familie haben?
- Overhead: Weil/Damit
- Play “Clue” [To practice Time/Manner/Place & Dative of location]
- Overhead: Clue [actually “Cluedo” in German]
- This explains the situation (Herr Blau ist tot ==> Who killed him, when, how, and where?); lists the possible suspects, times, murder weapons and locations; and provides examples of possible questions to ask.
- Work in groups of 4-6
- Each student gets a slip of paper such as “Frau Lila – Am Samstag – Der Revolver – Die Küche.” Each slip of paper is one “answer” to who killed Herr Blau.
- The rest of the group asks the student with the slip of paper questions to solve the mystery.
- In the above example, if the question is “Hat Frau Grün ihn am Samstag mit dem Messer in der Küche getötet?” the student with the slip of paper answers “Samstag und die Küche sind richtig.” The next questions use this information and figure out the rest of the mystery, i.e. in this example, who was the killer and what was the murder weapon.
- When the mystery is solved, the next student becomes the one to answer questions, based on their slip of paper.
- Overhead: Clue [actually “Cluedo” in German]
- Transportation vocab p. 277:
- Partner*innen: Wie kommen Sie zur Uni?
- Wie ist das Känguru nach Deutschland gekommen?
- Was ist romantisch? [z.B. mit dem Schiff fahren]
- Wovor haben Sie Angst? [z.B. das Taxi in New York]
- Order die Transportmittel from “am billigsten” to “am teuersten.”
- EITHER: “Back-to-back” vocab game with Kapitel 7 chapter vocab
- Work in pairs. Student A sees the board, Student B does not. Instructor gradually writes a series of words on the board. Student A forms a sentence with the first word; Student B translates it. When done, move on to the next word.
- Student A & B help each other as needed – e.g if necessary, student A can ask student B “Was bedeutet ______?” about the word on the board, in order to then be able to form a sentence.
- “Cheating” is encouraged, i.e. listening to nearby pairs when at a loss.
- Alternative (harder): Student A describes the word for Student B, without using the word. Student B has to guess the word.
- After a while, A & B switch, so Student B now sees the board.
- OR: “Around the World” vocab game with Kapitel 7 chapter vocab
- Game is played by consecutive pairs around the room. Instructor gives first pair a word from the Kap. 7 chapter vocab. The first student in the pair to guess moves on to play against the next student. Instructor gives another word; first student to guess moves on again, etc. Goal is to get as far as possible around the classroom.
- Tie = “replay” with another word
- If neither student knows the word, instructor can open it up to the rest of the class to “steal”
- Play with books open to the vocab list!