Deutsch 102 Stunde 22
Outline plan:
- Practice with one or two of the “Sprechtest 1” index cards
- Wissenswerte Vokablen: Berufe (p. 342)
- Partner*innen: Go through these and decide what is “ein guter Beruf,” “ein schlechter Beruf” or “OK.”
- Simple questions about “Andere Berufe” in the margin. E.g.:
- Mozart war ein ____________.
- Gustav Klimt, Albrecht Dürer, Georgia O’Keeffe und Picasso waren ____________.
- Goethe, George R. Martin, Toni Morrison und J.K Rowling sind ____________.
- “Was möchtest du werden [=become]?”
- “Was wolltest du werden, als du 5 warst?”
- “Berufe und Relativpronomen” overhead (just the questions)
- Aktivität 10 (Partner*innen)
- General questions about relative clauses:
- Do they provide additional information about a noun, a verb, or both? [a noun]
- Where does the relative clause go in the sentence? [after the noun it describes]
- Where does the verb go in the relative clause? [at the end, as with all subordinate clauses]
- Is the case of the relative pronoun the same as the case of its antecedent [the noun it refers to] in the main clause? [Nein!!] See the “Das ist Annas Hund” examples from the “Berufe und Relativpronomen” overhead
- Aktivität 9
- Overhead: Relativpronomen-1
- Afterwards, form some analogous sentences based on the models on the overhead with the corresponding numbers (A1, B2 etc.):
- (A1) The car [which] I buy [Das Auto…]
- (A1) The car [which] I drive
- (A1) The chocolate [which] I buy [Die Schokolade…]
- (A1) The chocolate [which] I eat
- (A2) A person with whom I eat SPAM [Eine Person, mit der…]
- (A2) A person for whom I cook SPAM
- (A3) A person who loves me
- (A3) A person who loves SPAM
- (B2) There is a kangaroo in our class that I love [das Känguru]
- (B2) There is a penguin in our class that I love [der Pinguin]
- (C2) An atom (which) I see im Mikroskop [das Atom]
- (C2) A very small kangaroo (which) I see im Mikroskop
- (C2) A very small man (whom) I see im Mikroskop
- (C2) A very small woman (whom) I see im Mikroskop
- Preview the next Känguru assignment as follows:
- Seite 26. Instructor clarifies “Wie kommst du darauf” [=Warum denkst du das?] & “Bolzenschneider” [=bolt cutter; good for stealing bikes]; then students read this with a partner
- Seite 31: Read just the dialogue with a partner, until “Wolle mer se reinlasse?” on p. 32.
- “Wolle mer se reinlasse?” = “Wollen wir sie hereinlassen” = “Shall we (literally: do we want to) let them in?” More info about this is in the reading notes!
- Who do you think yells the answer “Nein!” in response to “Wolle mer se reinlasse?”?