Deutsch 102 Stunde 40
Outline plan:
- Overhead: Aussprache (R-sentences followed by poem by Morgenstern OR by Lasker-Schüler)
- R-sentences:
- Remember the distinctions between konsonantisches “r” and vokalisiertes “r,” e.g. as described on this overhead from Deutsch 101!
- The parenthetical “e”s in “lieb(e)” and “renn(e)” shouldn’t be pronounced. They are just there as a reminder that these “e”s are being colloquially dropped.
- Morgenstern: Questions to think about at the end:
- Was meinen Sie: warum erglüht der Seufzer, als er an die Frau (“das Maidelein”) denkt?
- Warum sank der Seufzer?
- Lasker-Schüler: Questions to think about at the end:
- Think about all the ways in which the narrator and her lover become “woven into” the carpet she is describing.
- R-sentences:
- 10 minutes for students to plan their final role plays in their groups, and for anyone who missed Stunde 39 to find a group
- Go through Test 10 Review Sheet
- Reminder: Read through the dual-language version of Dornröschen to prepare for Section E of the test! The link is in the “Für Stunde 40: Test 10 Informationsblatt” Assignment.