iLrn Kapitel 1
Here are all the iLrn activities due in this chapter, in the order in which they were assigned!
- Click here to review the multiple ways in which the iLrn assignments are flexible, AND for some important information on how to use iLrn (please don’t skip the details about “Mechanics” at the end!).
- “Sounds of German” Assignment: Go to iLrn, click on the “Assignment Calendar” tab, choose “The Sounds of German” from the “Section” pulldown menu, and do S:S-1, S:S-2, S:S-3, S:S-4, S:S-5, S:S-6 [In each case, make the window large enough so you can see the words and the recording controls; click “Submit” when you are satisfied with your recording. Don’t worry about making mistakes: just go ahead and submit your first or second effort, and make a mental note of anything you want to work on.]
- If you have trouble getting the recording function to work, don’t worry: just do the assignment (i.e. repeat all the words) without recording, and then send an email to your instructor that you completed the “Sounds of German” assignment, but weren’t able to get the recording function to work.
- S:1-1F, S:1-2I (note the directions to write down the numerals as you listen, then go back and also write out the numbers), S:1-2J, S:1-3B
- S:1-1K, S1-2D, S:1-2E
- T:1-19 [Ignore the “Record and Chat” box: just do the rest of the activity!],T:1-34, S:1-1M
- S:1-1I, S:1-1Q, S:1-1U, S:1-1V, S:1-2A, S:1-2B, S:1-2G
- RECOMMENDED (but NOT required!):
- **Uncheck the “View assigned activities only” checkbox in the Assignment Calendar on iLrn in order to see the recommended exercises**
- T:1-6, S:1-1C (both of these are review of Annas Albtraum)
- T:1-13 (review of Annas Traum), S:1-3A (brief multiple choice review of some ideas and vocab from Kapitel 1)
- T:1-31 (noun genders), T:1-33 (noun genders; look out for one or two plural items), S:1-1G (quick review of greetings), S:1-1H (review of du/Sie/ihr)
- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: S:1-1L (figure out what the question was based on the answer – good practice for the section of Test 1 with a similar format), S:1-1O (annoying but useful practice of kein(e) and pronoun substitution), S:1-2F (listen to the alphabet, then record yourself saying it)
- T:1-38 (Nationalities & kein(e))
- Click on the “Video Library” tab, ignore the first video, and watch the three short interviews: Wie heißen Sie?, Wie schreibt man das? and Woher kommen Sie?