Deutsch 101: Stunde 6

Deutsch 101: Stunde 6

Outline plan:

  • Informal number practice before class: Übertreiben Sie [=Exaggerate!]
  • Pronunciation practice: Overhead: Probe 5 (Here is Audio of Probe 5) and review Probe 4 (Here is Audio of Probe 4)
  • Finden Sie Ihren Zwilling: Everyone gets a slip of paper listing
    • an adjective that could describe a person,
    • a city or country, and
    • a possible answer to “Wie alt bist du?”:
    • ==> e.g. intelligent/Bern/17; Fort Wayne/23/romantisch
    • Students mingle until they have found their “twin” [Zwilling], who has an identical slip of paper
    • Pairs who are done review Aktivität 28, or describe themselves to their partner
  • Overhead: how old are these famous people?
  • Aktivität 42.
    • Note that the pronouns and articles rhyme: der-er, das-es, die-sie!
  • Colors (p. 29)
    • “Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?”
    • Instructor asks questions like “Welche Farbe hat der Mond?”
    • Aktivität 32.
  • Students share responses to the vocabulary worksheet that was due in Stunde 5
  • Overhead: Nationalitäten