Deutsch 101: Stunde 14
Outline plan:
- Before class begins: Informally review “Formen Sie Sätze” overhead from Stunde 12 (& maybe “Was machen Sie gern?“)
- The months (p. 62)
- Wann haben Sie Geburtstag? – Im _________ [e.g. Im März]
- Wann haben Sie Geburtstag? – Am _________ [e.g. Am fünften Juni]
- Repeat days of the week etc. (p. 66) and translate the statements on the “Hartmuts Woche” overhead into German.
- Remember to put the verb in position 2
- See p. 78, “Aktivitäten des Alltags” for the verbs
- Repeat & practice “montags, dienstags…” (p. 67).
- Wann haben wir Deutsch?
- Wann spielt UofM Football?
- Wann ist die Mitte der Woche?
- Repeat & practice time expressions (p. 68)
- Go through the times in 15-minute intervals, then 5-minute intervals
- Note: 5 vor/nach sechs NOT 5 Minuten vor/nach sechs
- 4:25: 5 vor halb 5; 4:35: 5 nach halb 5
- Go through the times in 15-minute intervals, then 5-minute intervals
- Practice “um”; “von…bis”; “Uhr” and “Stunde.” (p. 69)
- Wann beginnt unser Deutschkurs?
- Von wann bis wann haben wir Deutsch?
- Wie lange haben wir Deutsch?
- Questions like: Instructor writes “8-9” on the board and asks: “Wann haben die South Park Kinder Mathematik?”
- usw.
- Military time (marginal note at the top of p. 69)
- Convert some of the times on p. 68 to military time
- Lola rennt, Teil 1: Overhead.
- For no. 3, instructor will play the clip from the beginning and pause whenever the film focuses on a character who will appear later in the film in brief “photo stories”; students then describe this person (langes, braunes Haar; schlank/mollig; jung/alt usw.):
- 2:00: Lola will pass this lady in the bank corridor
- 2:06: This kid will try to sell Lola or Der Penner [a bum] a stolen bike
- 2:14: Herr Meier will (almost) run Lola over three times
- 2:22: The woman with the baby carriage will not like it when Lola runs by
- 2:34ff: Herr Schuster, the security guard at Lola’s father’s bank. He “starts” the movie.
- For no. 3, instructor will play the clip from the beginning and pause whenever the film focuses on a character who will appear later in the film in brief “photo stories”; students then describe this person (langes, braunes Haar; schlank/mollig; jung/alt usw.):