Deutsch 101: Stunde 33
Outline plan:
- Informal activity before class begins: Overhead: “Sprechen Sie mit anderen Studierenden!“
- “Eidechse” cartoon overhead
- Chuck Norris examples on the modal verb overhead from Stunde 31
- Groups of 4. Sie sind 5 Jahre alt (10, 15, 20, 40, 80…). Write a list: Was können/müssen/dürfen/sollen/ wollen/möchten Sie (nicht) tun? Was mögen Sie (nicht)?
- Think about questions like “Was mag ich?” “Was mag ich nicht?” “Was kann ich?” “Was kann ich nicht?” usw.
- Afterwards: Was ist das beste Alter [=age]?
- Overhead: Rollenspiel: Das Rollenspiel
- Name guessing game to practice “Eigenschaften” vocab
- Everyone writes the name of a (real or imaginary, famous or “local”) person everyone in the class knows on a post-it note; then sticks the note on a partner’s back without letting them see it.
- Everyone walks around asking questions about who they are, until they guess correctly.
- Overhead: Ideas for questions
- Afterwards, continue discussing/hypothesizing about your character’s “Eigenschaften” [using the vocab p. 153]
- EITHER: “Lernen to Talk Show“:
- Episode 2 (First 3 minutes or so of the clip)
- End of episode 25, starting at 2:20
- Note: These videos were created by a student who went to Germany for a year in 2011/12. He made a series of 3-7 minute videos once a week to document his progress in the language, each of them carefully subtitled (and often also annotated) in ways that actually also show viewers some of the mistakes he makes as he speaks. Watching these carefully is great (and potentially inspiring) listening practice!
- OR: Piggeldy & Frederick: “Der Himmel”
- Zeig mir, wo der Himmel anfängt = Show me, where the sky begins
- Wo die Straße aufhört [=stops], da fängt der Himmel an