Deutsch 102 Stunde 12
Outline plan:
- Go over Test 7 as needed OR “5 Minuten sprechen”
- Kapitel 8, Aktivität 1, number 3: Rate statements as: oft/manchmal/selten/nie [Work in groups on this question about group assignments
- Review vocab from the “Anlauftext lesen” assignment. Students review the list briefly; then instructor asks some questions, pointing to the relevant items on the list:
- Instructor leaves room, knocks on door [==> Students yell “Herein!”]
- Wie sagt man: I have to give a presentation tomorrow.
- Wie sagt man: Did you catch a cold? [Use “du”]
- Wie sagt man: He broke his leg.
- Wie sagt man: I was really unlucky!
- Time permitting: Wie sagt man: I was lucky! [Review of “Schwein gehabt” from 101; or of course “Glück gehabt”]
- Wie sagt man: I can’t remember. [accept responses with or without “daran”]
- Wie sagt man: This topic is currently very relevant. [Dieses Thema ist sehr aktuell]
- Wie sagt man: Concentrate on the most important things! [==> “Konzentrieren Sie sich auf _____________”]
- Wie sagt man: I’m already looking forward to the presentation.
- Wie sagt man: We’ll get that done!
- Wie sagt man: I have to lie down.
- Instructor points to “Haben Sie sich überhaupt für ein Thema entschieden?” on the list and asks: Was bedeutet “Ich muss mich entscheiden”?
- Nichtlustig cartoon overhead re: sich entscheiden
- Play Anlauftext (eBook pp. 290-1) ==> Aktivität 4
- Read the questions first
- Note the vocab for this
- For qu. 2, note that it’s Karl who visits the professor, and that Stefan asks him how it went when he comes home at the end.
- Aktivität 6 quickly; then Gruppenprojekt role play (groups of 4)
- 2 Studierende haben nichts gemacht & machen Ausreden [=make excuses]; die 2 anderen Studierenden stellen kritische Fragen [i.e. the other 2 ask critical questions about the excuses]
- If time is short: Just brainstorm Ausreden for not getting a project done on time
- “Wissenswerte Vokabeln: die tägliche Routine” (p. 298). Repeat vocab; then:
- Sagen Sie dem*der Partner*in: Was machen Sie gern? Was machen Sie nicht gern? [==> Ich…]
- Sagen Sie dem*der Partner*in: Was machen Sie nicht, oder sehr selten? [==> Ich…]
- Sagen Sie dem*der Partner*in: Ich muss mich oft beeilen oder Ich muss mich nicht oft beeilen.
- Sagen Sie dem*der Partner*in: Ich ziehe mich gern elegant an oder Ich ziehe mich nicht gern elegant an
- Repeat ich-form of example sentences below pictures on p. 300
- Aktivität 16: Ignore directions. Machen Sie das morgens immer, manchmal or nie?
- Aufsatz 1 instructions (Wichtig!!)
- Your instructor will go through the details of the Aufsatz 1 Assignment on Canvas, as follows:
- Conpleting Step 1 thoroughly will make it MUCH easier to write the essay. Approaching Step 2 as instructed (i.e. really free-writing for 20 minutes) will make it even easier!
- Review advice on using what you know and what we have been practicing:
- Look carefully at the specific suggestions in the essay prompts!
- Look for ideas by leafing through the book rather than brainstorming in English and then trying to translate
- You will learn more from practicing what you’ve learned than from trying to say things you will say only once…
- The less you look up, the fewer sources you have to cite!
- Look at the topics and brainstorm with a partner
- If you are not in class for this, please set aside at least 10 minutes to click on the Assignment, and read through all of the instructions carefully. Please let your instructor know if you have any questions!