Deutsch 102 Stunde 16
Note: the evening section will cover the “Prepositional Verbs” overhead (from Stunde 17) during Stunde 16, and will cover the vocab worksheet during Stunde 17!
Outline plan:
- Partner*innen: Form sentences using the time expressions on p. 318 and the present tense.
- Sie machen ein Jahr “Study Abroad” in Deutschland. Was werden Sie da tun? Was nicht? [Refer to Aktivität 43 for ideas]
- Afterwards, say what your partner will (not) do: “Er/Sie/They wird (nicht)…”
- Go through vocab worksheet that was due today – groups of 4-6:
- Share Collocations/Examples/Mnemonics from Section A
- Section B [take turns quizzing the group by DESCRIBING the word]
- Read best sentences for Section C to each other; the group translates each sentence.
- If you are teaching an evening section, or German 100 or 102 in the Spring, see below for some extra logistics re: switching part of today’s plan with Stunde 17!
- Overhead: Almanya Teil 2