Deutsch 102 Stunde 26
Outline plan:
- Informal activity before class begins: Practice with one or two of the “Sprechtest 1” index cards
- Vokabelfeuerwerk with the Kapitel 9 chapter vocabulary
- Ideas: Mein Pinguin…; Mein Känguru…; Chuck Norris…; Ich bin der*die Beste ==>…
- Warm-up questions to introduce comparative – e.g.:
- Wer ist älter/jünger/größer/kleiner – Sie oder ich?
- Was ist gesünder/billiger/schneller – Subway oder Jimmy John’s?
- Was ist ungesünder – Taco Bell oder Whitecastle?
- Wo ist es kälter, in Chicago oder hier?
- Was ist interessanter – Deutsch oder Französisch?
- Was schmeckt besser – SPAM oder Schuhe?
- Wer ist attraktiver – SpongeBob oder Cartman? Sparty oder ein Vielfraß [=a wolverine]?
- Was ist schlimmer, Michigan State oder Ohio State?
- Wer ist pünktlicher/intelligenter/analytischer/[whatever]: X oder Y?
- Cartoon overheads: “Imaginärer Freund” and “Fliegenfänger“
- “Der kleine Herr Paul”:
- Find this via Canvas > Files
- Instructor reads story, then students write their own version
- Note re: “Der Fluss liegt jeden Tag im Bett”: das Flussbett = riverbed (the channel of a river)
- EITHER: Groups: Describe Ken and Barbie at various stages of their lives
- Each group writes description of Ken and Barbie at one particular stage in their “lives,” using adjectives, comparatives and superlatives (maybe even relative clauses)
- Ideas for the stages: 5 Jahre alt / 16 Jahre alt / 70 Jahre alt / in the 70s / living in Wien/Berlin/France / preparing for ein Vorstellungsgespräch (this one would also be an occasion to review reflexive verbs)
- OR: Index card celebrity guessing game:
- Each student writes some “clues” about a famous person, including one or more adjective(s) in every sentence
- Afterwards, students read their clues to their groups; the group tries to guess the celebrity
- OR: Your instructor may choose some other open-ended activity involving adjective endings and other Kap. 9 grammar
- …such as describing each other’s clothing using the overhead: Adjektive – Kleidung