Wissenschaft [=Science] & Technik
Videos/Multimedia and Interactive Sites | Daily Collections of Scientific News |
Scientific Magazines Online | Astronomie |
Miscellaneous Scientific Sites |
Videos/Multimedia and Interactive Sites
- Die Sendung mit der Maus: Sachgeschichten Great overviews of everyday technical topics. Made for kids, but also great for adults. Click on “A bis Z” to see all available shows.
- Galileo This TV show investigates a very wide range of topics of everyday interest. Best part of the site is an extensive archive of video clips. Note: The topics are not always scientific!
- Wissen macht Ah! Fun, creative videos, mostly on scientific topics. Made with younger kids in mind.
- Welt der Physik Includes anything related to Physics in the broadest sense (e.g. Meteorology, Technology…). This page lets you search by format, e.g. for videos, podcasts etc.
- wissenschaft.de LOTS of resources here:
- Bilder & Videos
- Natur.de: “Nature”-focused articles and videos, also in magazine format
- Bild der Wissenschaft magazine (Aktuelles Heft = current magazine/issue)
- Nachrichten [=news] & Themen Science news, organized by topic area
Compilations of Scientific News
- hi!tech – Das Innovationsmagazin von Siemens Österreich Short articles on anything from advanced experimental Physics to medical technology.
- APA Science Articles compiled by the Austrian Press Agency. At the bottom of the page, you will find additional non-science-related resources, e.g. a daily simplified news summary: “Nachrichten leicht verständlich.”
- idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft A great service compiling cutting-edge research news (Nachrichten) in various categories (Forschungsergebnisse = research results). A few articles are posted in English; some are posted (separately) in both English and German.
Scientific Magazines Online
- GEO EXPLORER Viele interessante Artikel in den Kategorien “NATUR” & “WISSEN”, und besonders bei WISSEN > FORSCHUNG.
- Spektrum der Wissenschaft “Scientific American” auf deutsch! University of Michigan students can access this for free via this link.
- scinexx “Das Wissensmagazin “
- Astronews.com Tolle Astronomie-Seite. In der Kategorie “Frag astronnews.com” kann man Fragen stellen und antworten lesen. Das Glossar
erklärt [=explains] Fachbegriffe [=technical terms]. - Astronomie.de
- Die wichtigsten Begriffe für den Sterngucker Concise German-German dictionary of astronomical terminology.
Miscellaneous Scientific Sites
- Wikipedia.de Great resource for scientific topics
- Deutsches Museum München Museum für Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Tolle interaktive Webseiten mit Videos, mini-Experimenten usw.
- MendelWeb An old but informative site about Gregor Mendel, the founder of the modern science of genetics. In particular, it includes full German and English texts of his famous paper, “Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden,” so if you open two browser windows, you could read them side by side like a facing page translation.
- A Scientific German Reader from 1907 The language is of course dated, and the initial section on Math is rather difficult in places (but includes, for instance, an elegant proof of the Pythagorean Theorem), but the subsequent sections on Physics and Chemistry are quite readable.
- Liste der Träger des Ig-Nobelpreises Lists the Ig-Nobel Prize winners by year, with German descriptions. Browse the list for fun, or find a topic that interests you and search for articles about it in German!