Weekly Email Archive

German Day takes place this year on Friday, MARCH 15; VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!……….”Yoga with Iris”……….Mass meeting for all students participating in Goethe Institut spring/summer classes……….Upcoming Deadlines & Events…

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Upcoming deadlines for applying for English Teaching Assistantships in Austrian Secondary Schools, for the UROP International program in Aachen, and for the ICE internship program……….In case you are still looking for a course for this semester, consider taking a German department course taught in English.

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Dear all, Please note the opportunity to apply for a work study position in the German department office. Deadline to apply is tomorrow (Tue, 8/28). See the yellow section for more details! Other highlights from this week's email, and what color section to check for more details: Intensive German I (German100) and Intensive German II [...]

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