Deutsch 102: Stunde 3
Outline plan:
- Share responses to the vocab worksheet that was due today, in groups of 4-6: CEM, Lieblingswort, & “Was passt nicht?” questions.
- Discuss: “Lachen Sie sich oft tot?” (from question 7)
- Review examples of two-case prepositions on pp. 250-2.
- Then form Dative statements based on the “Wo ist das Männlein” overhead. Intended answers, in order:
- unter dem Bett
- auf dem Bett
- im Bett
- hinter dem Bett
- vor dem Bett
- neben dem Bett
- zwischen den Betten
- Then form the Accusative versions of the above statements: “Wohin geht das Männlein?”
- Review an, auf & in [e.g. instructor moves around the room, asking “Wo bin ich?” or moves a book to various places, asking “Wo ist das Buch?” or asks e.g. “Wo sind wir?” Locations could be e.g. “An der Tür,” “Auf dem Tisch,” “Am Tisch,” “Im Klassenzimmer” etc.]
- EITHER Akt. 7 (Time permitting, also discuss “Wohin soll Anna die Bücher tun?”)
- OR Form sentences using the 2-way prepositions. For ideas, refer to the overhead with the section on the two-way prepositions from Kapitel7CEM.docx!
- Then form Dative statements based on the “Wo ist das Männlein” overhead. Intended answers, in order:
- “Wo gehst du gern hin?” vocab p. 254
- Pick three Lieblingsbilder [=favorite pictures]
- Overhead “Wo gehst du gern hin?“
- Shopping extravaganza:
- “Wo macht man das in der Stadt” vocab pp. 256-7
- “Wo wartet man auf den Bus?” etc.
- Repeat the expressions on the “Einkaufen” overhead
- Assign stores/roles using slips of paper cut up from this overhead
- Now do the role plays, 2-3 minutes each; switch roles 3 or 4 times.
- “Wo macht man das in der Stadt” vocab pp. 256-7