iLrn Kapitel 6
Here are all the iLrn activities due in this chapter, in the order in which they were assigned!
- Click here to review the multiple ways in which the iLrn assignments are flexible, AND for some important information on how to use iLrn (please don’t skip the details about “Mechanics” at the end!).
- [The list below does not include the “Anlauftext lesen” activities, for which you received a separate grade!]
- T:6-30, S:6-1J, S:6-2E
- T:6-40, S:6-1D, S:6-1E, S:6-1I (Click here for more info!), S:6-1L, S:6-2F (Click here for more info!), S:6-2I
- S:6-1H (Click here for more info!), S:6-2H
- T:6-44 (Click here for more info!), S:6-2A (Just do Teil 1; ignore Teil 2!), S:6-2B
- RECOMMENDED (but NOT required!):
- **Uncheck the “View assigned activities only” checkbox in the Assignment Calendar on iLrn in order to see the recommended exercises**
- S:6-1C (Dative pronoun practice)
- S:6-1O (Crossword puzzle practicing vocab and reading brief clues; Click here for more info!), S:6-2D (Practice listening for Dative pronouns), S:6-2G (Review furniture and rooms of the house. When you hear “Kühlschrank,” the speakers are in the kitchen; when the speakers mention “Blumen” [=flowers], they’re in the garden), S:6-3B (practice some useful additional vocab)
- S:6-1K (Fun der-word practice: fill in blanks in a rant about “Die Jugend von heute”; Click here for more info!), S:6-2C (More listening practice involving Anna and Fabio (from S:6-2B))
- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the “Video Library” tab, ignore the first video, and watch the short interviews: Würden Sie Deutschland als eine multikulturelle Gesellschaft bezeichnen?
iLrn Kapitel 6 – Additional notes
T:6-44: For each item, you need to choose between jeder and alle, and then choose the correct ending for the word you chose:
- Use jeder/jedes/jede (with the appropriate ending) in the singular for “each, every,” and alle (with the appropriate ending) in the plural for “all, all of the.”
- Remember the der-words take the same endings as the correspondnig endings of der/das/die. Thus, masculine Accusative is jedEN (like den); feminine Dative is jedER (like der), plural Dative is jedEN (like den), etc.
- No. 1, 7 and 8 are time expressions. Time expressions not involving a preposition always use the Accusative.
- For no. 4, remember that the preposition zu makes “its” nouns and pronouns Dative (“aus, außer, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu“).
- For no. 6, remember that helfen is a Dative verb, which means that the object of the verb helfen will always be in the Dative.
S:6-1F: For Hannes in no. 5, we read that “eine eigene Wohnung ist ihm zu teuer,” i.e. renting his own apartment is too expensive for him. So he could be in a Wohngemeinschaft (i.e. living with roommates) or he could be living “zur Untermiete,” i.e. renting a room in a house or apartment (often without cooking privileges). Since the text also mentions that he can study and sleep in the place he’s found, but can’t cook there, he must be living “zur Untermiete.”
S:6-1H: For this, you’ll need to figure out from the context which preposition makes the most sense in each case. A few hints:
- Alle außer X = Everyone except X; alles außer X = everything except X
- ich habe noch nicht viel von Deutschland gesehen = I haven’t yet seen much of Germany
- Anna wohnt bei Karl in der WG (i.e. at his place)
- nach dem Abendbrot = after dinner
- Beim Kochen hat man viel Zeit zum Sprechen = While cooking one has lots of time to talk
S:6-1I: The pronouns that go in the blanks will all be Dative pronouns. That’s because the verbs in the sentences with the blanks are all Dative verbs, and the pronouns are the objects of these Dative verbs. There’s just one exception where the pronoun is the object of the Dative preposition von). A few additional hints:
- Wie hat ihm der Pullover gefallen? = How did he like the sweater? [because gefallen is a Dative verb]
- er [der Pullover] hat ihm [Opa] nicht so gut gepasst = it didn’t fit him very well [because passen is a Dative verb]
- dann schicke ich Oma eine Kopie, und die gehört dann ihr = then I’ll send Grandma a copy and then that will belong to her [=ihr gehören]
- Ihm ist wirklich schlecht gegangen? = He really felt sick? This is sort of a variant on “es geht mir gut”: Es geht mir gut = I‘m fine; Es ist mir gut gegangen = I was fine; Es ist mir schlecht gegangen = I felt sick; Es ist ihm schlecht gegangen = He felt sick.
S:6-1K: Choose between the appropriate forms of welcher [=which; use this for questions], dieser [=this] and jeder [=every]. Choosing the endings will be easy, since except for the very last item, all of these are Nominative. The last one, “In welcher Zeit leben wir denn,” is a time expression with a two-way preposition (in), and those are Dative.
S:6-2F: You need to write down what Anna’s grandparents decide to give the persons listed, and then decide if the statements further below are true or false.
- You will need to include the right form of “ein” with the gift in order to get the program to grade your responses correctly. Remember that all the gifts will be in the Accusative (the people receiving them are in the Dative).
- The grandparents debate a little bit about what to give Anna. There’s also a very brief debate about Georg. For everyone else, they have an easy time deciding. Note that the answers don’t necessarily come up in the order in which you’re asked to write them down here: for example, they decide on Katja’s gift right after they finish talking about Anna.
- The last people they talk about are “unsere Schwiegersöhne,” i.e. their sons-in-law, Bob and Hannes.
- It may sound strange that they say that Anna wouldn’t be able to use a radio in America — but they give a good reason: “Der Strom [=electrical current] ist anders [=different]. The Voltage in a standard U.S. outlet is 110 V; in Germany it’s 220 V. Note that for most laptops and other electrical devices using chargers, you no longer have to worry about this, as the chargers can usually handle voltages between 100 V and 240 V. You will, however, need a converter plug in order to be able to plug your chargers into the outlets. They also mention that people tend to listen to iPods rather than radios these days.