Deutsch 101: Stunde 7
Outline plan:
- Pronunciation practice: Overhead: Probe 6 (Here is Audio of Probe 6)
- Review colors, classroom objects, pronoun substitution, & maybe negation:
- Was ist das?
- Welche Farbe hat der Stuhl? ==> Er ist beige etc.
- Ist das ein BMW? ==> Nein, das ist kein BMW. Das ist ein Stuhl, etc.
- Ist der Stuhl lila? ==> Nein, der Stuhl ist nicht lila. Er ist beige etc.
- For reference für heute (for today): Kapitel 1 Kultur Texte & Videos
- Overhead: Cocktailparty (Discussion of Kapitel 1 Kultur videos, texts and posts)
- Alphabet (p. 21)
- Repeat alphabet 2 or 3 times
- Instructor spells the following words in random order. Students listen in order to determine which word is being spelled:
- 1. sie 2. sein 3. zehn
- 4. Wien 5. Wein 6. wann
- 7. wie 8. viel 9. weil
- 10. Bär 11. Bar 12. Berg
- Pronounce the following acronyms/abbreviations: VW, BMW, BRD, DDR, USA, BSE, FKK, LSD, UPS, usw., km/h, ADAC, TÜV
- Political party acronyms (“left to right”): SPD, FDP, CDU/CSU
- Also on the far right, in the Bundestag since 2013: AfD
- Not listed here because the names are not abbreviated: die Grünen, full name Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, and die Linke [“the left”]
- EITHER: Act out a dialogue consisting only of the letters of the alphabet, in order. Student*in 1 is a small child, trying to persuade Student*in 2 (the parent) to buy it ice cream. Student*in 2 initially refuses, but Student*in 1 persists…. Each pair can decide if the dialogue ends in a yes or no 🙂
- Sample dialogue: S1 (excitedly): abcd! S2 (coolly): efg S1: hijkl? S2: mn S1: opqrs? S2: t S1 (desperately): uvw?…x?…y?? S2 (resolutely): z
- OR: play hangman (Galgenmännchen)
- Time permitting: Test essay preview
- Topic of the essay for test 1: In five (or more) sentences, describe a classmate in your German class. Include your classmate’s name, age, nationality, where they come from, and a physical description, e.g., eye color, hair color and length.
- ==> Ask a partner the necessary questions: Wie heißt du? Wie alt bist du? Bist du Amerikaner*in? Woher kommst du? Note their eye color, hair color and length!