Deutsch 101: Stunde 16
Outline plan:
- Before class begins: Informally review “Separable Verb” overhead from Stunde 15
- For reference für heute: Kapitel 2 Kultur Texte & Videos
- Kultur Miniquiz Overhead. This is not actually a quiz 🙂 Work through these simple questions quickly!
- Note the answer to No. 3 is “university,” and to No. 9, “Richtig”
- Cocktailparty (Overhead – discussion of Kapitel 2 Kultur texts & posts)
- Time permitting: Kapitel 2 Kultur & Kapitel 2 Grammatik: Overhead
- Akkusativ Interview (Overhead)
- Aktivität 33 with the class as a whole
- Verb in position 2!