Deutsch 101: Stunde 47
Outline plan:
- Informal activity before class begins: Practice with one or two of the “Indexkarten” for the 2nd Oral Test
- Find these anytime on Canvas > Files > Oral Test Info
- (Dative practice) Instructor may also ask questions like:
- Overhead: Wie geht’s?
- After asking student A how they are, instructor may ask student B about what student A said, by asking “Wie geht es ihm/ihr/them?”
- Ist Ihnen heiß? Ist Ihnen kalt?
- Instructor opens the window and asks again, and also asks “Tut die frische Luft [=fresh air] Ihnen gut?”
- Mir tut der Kopf weh. Was tut Ihnen heute weh?
- Heute sind alle Studierenden da, außer…?
- Kapitel 5 review: “Wie ist das Wetter heute?” “Was haben Sie gestern gemacht/gegessen/im Fernsehen gesehen?” usw.
- “Einfamilienhaus” vocab p. 216
- Also: “das Esszimmer” and “die Toilette”
- Look at a Google image search for Rollläden
- Practice using “im”/”in der” with these words where appropriate (e.g. this would NOT make sense for “die Treppe” or “die Rolläden”)
- Wie fragt man auf Deutsch “Where’s the bathroom?”? [Wo ist die Toilette? – NICHT “Wo ist das Badezimmer?” (unless you want a bath 🙂 )
- Instructor asks questions like those in Aktivität 16
- and: Wo schmusen Sie? 🙂
- Note: This is vocab practice, and practice for using “in dem [im]/in der/in den”
- Aktivität 17
- Overhead: Basic Chart of Forms of der/das/die, ein-words, Pronouns
- Note the Dative forms of der/das/die and ein
- Note the mnemonic advice!
- Know this info fluently for the final exam, and for all future German courses!!
- Aktivität 14
- Aktivität 15
- “Körperteile” vocab p. 232
- Cartoon Overhead: “Picasso/van Gogh“
- Play “Simon Says” (Imperative review, Dative practice)
- “Zeigen Sie auf Ihr Haar” ==> do nothing; “Zeigen Sie mir Ihr Haar” ==> carry out the command
- This is just for the game; in real life, both commands work!
- Dative verbs p. 230:
- The objects of these verbs are Dative for no good reason. This is something one just has to remember when using these verbs!
- Overhead: Dativverben
- Translate sentences in Section A
- Compliment each other using “gefallen.” Note examples on the overhead.
- Use “schmecken” to say what you like and don’t like to eat
- Pizza schmeckt mir. Schuhe schmecken mir nicht 🙂
- gehören: Instructor points to various objects in the class and asks “Wem gehört/gehören der/die/das/die…?”
- ==> Possible answers are names of students, the instructor, or “Er/Sie/Es/Sie gehört/gehören der Universität Michigan.”
- Miscellaneous role play reminders: See the “Final Role Play” section of the Kursinformation