Kapitel 9 – Teil 1 “pre-quiz”: Important Info
Important information about this assignment (please read this first, then click on the link to the exercise, which you’ll find further below!)
- NOTE 1: Some of the items ask you to combine two sentences by noticing that they both refer to the same person, thing or idea. Usually, the second sentence will use a pronoun to refer to that person, thing or idea, and the relative pronoun will replace that pronoun. The correct relative pronoun will normally “rhyme” with the pronoun it replaces! Note also that the pronoun being replaced should not reappear in the relative clause, since the relative pronoun has replaced it.
- NOTE 2: Some of the items refer to the book Die Känguru-Chroniken, which we are reading in German 102. If you’re not a German 102 student, here’s what you need to know:
- Das Känguru ist der Nachbar [=neighbor] des Erzählers [=of the narrator].
- Das Känguru kann sprechen. Es ist nicht sehr nett.
- Das Känguru muss immer alles leihen [=borrow].
- Das Känguru ist politisch radikal.
- Das Känguru mag Nirvana.
When you’re ready, click here to access the Kapitel 9 Teil 1 “pre-quiz”! You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.”
- You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 36 for this particular exercise. To see all 36 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not “submittable”; it’s just available for additional practice.
Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment (what if I score below 80%, why is my score 0, what if nothing happens when I click “submit” etc.)