Deutsch 101: Stunde 53
Outline plan:
- Informal activity before class begins: Practice with one or two of the “Indexkarten” for the 2nd Oral Test
- Find these on Canvas > Files > Oral Tests
- See the Stunde 47 outline for additional possible topics to discuss before class begins!
- MindTap: P6-52
- Besides listening practice, this is a review of Dative prepositions
- Role plays
- See Stunde 51A outline for possible ideas in case there are no role plays today!
- For reference für heute: Kapitel 6 Kultur Texte & Videos
- Overhead: Kultur Mini-Quiz (As always, this is not actually a quiz)
- Overhead: Kapitel 6 Kultur-Texte und die Dativpräpositionen
- General discussion of Kultur-Texte from this semester and from today in particular.
- Optional additional overheads:
- Two fun ads for “Die BILD-Zeitung”
- leider erst seit… = unfortunately only since…
- These ads are fun, but there is a dark side to these kinds of tabloids. This is the theme of the 1975 movie Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum, based on the novel with the same title by Nobel Prize winner Heinrich Böll
- Wo Studierende wohnen (Seite 211)
- Tübingen (Seite 225)
- Two fun ads for “Die BILD-Zeitung”
- Optional additional overheads: