Deutsch 101: Stunde 52
Outline plan:
- Informal activity before class begins: Practice with one or two of the “Indexkarten” for the 2nd Oral Test
- Find these anytime on Canvas > Files > Oral Test Info
- See the Stunde 47 outline for additional possible topics to discuss before class begins!
- Work with the Kap. 6 end-of-chapter worksheet that is due today
- Overhead: “Was ist falsch?“
- Students compare answers to sections A & B
- Time permitting, students share what they wrote for section C
- Role plays
- See Stunde 51A outline for possible ideas in case there are no role plays today!
- Video: Piggeldy und Frederick: Die Katze
- Aktivität 39
- Overhead: “Schokohasen” (Not available online with the text we are using)
- Two chocolate easter bunnies are talking. Bunny A’s butt has been bitten off, as have Bunny B’s ears ==> they have the following conversation:
- A: Mir tut der Hintern weh – B: Was?
- ==> Questions:
- Was haben die Hasen nicht?
- Die Hasen sind _______ [aus/außer/bei/mit] Schokolade.
- Schmecken Ihnen Schokoladenhasen?
- Körperteile vocab (p. 232):
- Wo kann man Pickel [=zits] haben? Wo nicht?
- Oder: Wo kann man Haare haben? Wo nicht?
- Wovon [=of what] hat man nur eins? [Hals, Rücken, etc.] Wovon hat man zwei? Wovon hat man zehn? Wovon hat man viele?
- Wo kann man Pickel [=zits] haben? Wo nicht?