Deutsch 102 ABENDSEKTION Hausaufgaben – Herbst 2023

August/September Oktober
November Dezember

Here are the suggested assignments–but please be aware that your instructor may make changes to this in class!

Each ROW in the homework plan below corresponds to one day’s homework for the daytime sections. Since the evening section only meets two days/week, you will be assigned two “rows” of homework on each class day. PLEASE try to do these on two separate days if you can: doing both parts at once is too much, and you will learn less from it. Please remember that late homework will receive a “check minus,” and homework that is more than two class days late may not be accepted (unless, of course, you have a good excuse for handing it in late). If you notice any mistakes, please use the Contact/Feedback link at the bottom of this page, or inform your instructor!

Dienstag, 29. August

To understand this homework schedule, imagine your instructor saying “This is what you have to do for the NEXT class.==> What is listed here today is due ON THURSDAY (AUGUST 31). Work through the numbered items one by one.

**SUBMIT** indicates something you need to submit to your instructor for grading.

0a. Kennenlernen Discussion Post – See details on Canvas.

0b. “Letter to my Instructor” Assignment – See details on Canvas.

1a. Kaufen Sie die Bücher, die Sie noch nicht haben [=which you don’t already have] [assuming you still have Vorsprung (V) and that your MindTap access is still valid from German 101, this will just mean buying Die Känguru-Chroniken. You will need it soon!]

2b. Lesen Sie die Kursinformation.

2a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 7 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

2b. Bitte sehen Sie auch dieses Video mit VIELEN guten Beispielen für die Wechselpräpositionen [=2-way prepositions].

2c. Lesen Sie im Web über Case Overviews (Ignore info on the Genitive).

2d. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 7 “pre-quiz.”

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the quiz, so you can refer back to it as needed!
  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 42 for this particular exercise. To see all 42 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not “submittable”; it’s just available for additional practice.

3. Anlauftext lesen (Important review of today’s class!): Re-read the Kapitel 7 cartoon text (p. 246-7) as follows: First, read through the vocabulary in the bullet point below. Then read the text once quickly without stopping. Then look through the vocabulary one more time. Finally, read the text a second time, this time more carefully, referring back to the vocabulary below as needed, and looking up any other troublesome words/phrases online.

  • Vokabeln: runter = down; Geld abheben = to withdraw money; ein Konto eröffnen = to open an account; empfehlen = to recommend; die Kreissparkasse: a type of local savings bank (sparen = to save (money); you can find Sparkassen everywhere in Germany); die Filiale = branch office; meistens = most of the time; Ich schon = I do (after someone else has said “Ich nicht”); das Semesterticket: discounted ticket for public transportation during the semester; Wo kann ich mir eins besorgen? = Where can I get one?; in der Nähe von der Brücke = near the bridge; praktisch alles = practically everything (i.e. pretty much everything); erledigen = to take care of (errands, tasks)

4. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: To review the video lectures from German 101, click on the “Index of Video Lectures.” To review the vocabulary from German 101, use the mobile flashcard app (see link at the top of the “Index of Video Lectures”). The “Index of Video Lectures” also includes links to the vocabulary handouts, and to the grammar and vocabulary worksheets and online quizzes for each chapter. We recommend spending 15 minutes a day to review one chapter each day, and continuing this until you’ve reviewed all chapters sufficiently. When using the flashcard program or the vocabulary handouts, try to quickly say a simple sentence with each word you are reviewing before moving on to the next one.

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 7 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b.**SUBMIT** When you’re ready, complete this worksheet on the Kapitel 7 Vokabeln.

2. **SUBMIT** First Kapitel 7 MindTap Due Date ==> 

  • Visit this MindTap Information page for details.  Please read it carefully – especially the advice to do a few activities every day (not just on the nights before the due dates) and the info about activity notes that will save you time and help you get full credit.
  • Go to MindTap via the link in the second paragraph of our Canvas Home Page
  • If you haven’t already done so, you will be prompted to log into your Cengage account (using the SAME Cengage account you used to purchase MindTap!). You will only have to do this once all semester, and should not have to do it again if you did it in German 101 – but please keep a record of your Cengage login info “just in case”!
  • There is a 25% penalty for late submissions.

3. **SUBMIT** Complete this “Deutsch 102 Grundlagenwiederholung” [=review of fundamentals] worksheet!

4. **PRINT** Bitte drucken Sie [=please print] den Text “Migrationsgeschichte in Deutschland“. Please print the text (and worksheet) and bring it to class. We will work with it a bit in class in Stunde 4, and then you will complete the worksheet as homework for Stunde 5.

Donnerstag, 31. August

1. **SUBMIT** Lesen Sie den Text “Migrationsgeschichte in Deutschland“. The text is a parallel translation. Read the English version and then answer the questions, referring to the German version as needed!

  • Read through the entire text in English once quickly without stopping, then read it through one more time and answer the questions as you go. 
  • We strongly encourage you to work on this assignment in pairs or groups. If you do so, you can just submit one copy of the worksheet with all your names on it, and you will all get the same grade!

1a. Sehen Sie Teil 1 des Films Almanya: Willkommen in Deutschland [ca. 32 Minuten]. To access the clip, go to Canvas > Media Gallery, and click on the “Almanya” thumbnail. Email Hartmut if you run into any problems!

  • CONTENT WARNING: From 29:30-29:50, there is a dream/nightmare scene involving Jesus on the cross. If you do not want to see this scene, you do not have to. All you need to know is that it is meant to vividly illustrate a cultural misunderstanding; in this case, a childish misconception of Christianity. 

1b. **SUBMIT** Download the “Almanya – Teil 1 Worksheet.” Please read the notes about die Personen [=the main characters], die Sprache, and the Kulturnotizen before you watch the clip. Then fill out the worksheet as you watch the clip.

1c. We will watch the remainder of the movie later in the semester (there will be two more parts).

2. **SUBMIT** Continue learning the Kapitel 7 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier! Then complete and submit  this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel7CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.


Dienstag, 5. September

1. **Prepare for Canvas Mini-Quiz in time to submit it before class** Lesen Sie Die Känguru-Chroniken, Seite 7-17. Click here to download some notes to help you with the text. When you are ready, take the “DIE KÄNGURU-CHRONIKEN, SEITE 7-17: MINI-QUIZ.” You should start the quiz at least 15 minutes before class begins, in order to be sure to have enough time to complete it before it auto-submits!!

  • Please begin by reading the notes on the first chapter (“Das Känguru von gegenüber”).
  • Then read the first chapter once quickly without stopping. Don’t worry about comprehension: just keep reading at the same speed at which you would read a simple text in English. This should just take 1 or 2 minutes, and will let your brain know what to expect. Doing this will make it A LOT easier to read the text carefully for understanding.
  • Then read the notes on the first chapter one more time, and re-read the first chapter carefully.
  • Now do the same for the second chapter (“Kleinkunst”).
  • This book started out as a radio show in which the author read the chapters one by one. You can ask for the CD recordings at the front desk of the LRC and listen to them there if you’re interested!


1. **SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 7 MindTap Due Date

  • The remaining Kapitel 7 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 8. Visit this MindTap Information page for details.  Please read it carefully – especially the advice to do a few activities every day (not just on the nights before the due dates) and the info about activity notes that will save you time and help you get full credit.
  • Go to MindTap via the link in the second paragraph of our Canvas Home Page
  • If you haven’t already done so, you will be prompted to log into your Cengage account (using the SAME Cengage account you used to purchase MindTap!). You will only have to do this once all semester, and should not have to do it again in German 102 – but please keep a record of your Cengage login info “just in case”!
  • Alternative to the MindTap Video: If you do not find the MindTap Video activities helpful, do this instead: Visit this list of listening sites, and choose an episode of the Lernen to Talk Show, OR an episode of extr@ auf Deutsch, OR a video on Yabla (note the instructions for how to register for free through the LRC). Watch the video at least twice (if you watch all three parts of one extr@ auf Deutsch episode, just watch them once; if you just watch one part, watch it twice). Take notes on what you understood and what you learned, and hand these in on paper instead of doing the MindTap video activities.
  • There is a 25% penalty for late submissions.

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and submit this worksheet.

Donnerstag, 7. September

1. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 7 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

2.OPTIONAL: Watch the “Kapitel 7 Videos zum Spaß

  • If you enjoy these, you could write about them for an AMD!

1. **SUBMIT** Test 7 Wiederholungsblatt AND Essay.

  • This is a 4-point Assignment: 2 points for completing all (or most) of the review sheet; 2 points for drafting the essay.

2. **SUBMIT** AMD 1:  Go to Canvas > Discussions. The AMD 1 prompt includes instructions and ideas!LET YOUR INSTRUCTOR KNOW IF YOU NEED AN EXTRA DAY TO COMPLETE THIS!

Stunde 9: Dienstag, 12. September

1. Lernen Sie für Test 7! IDEEN:

  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 7 Video!
  • Review the Kapitel 7 vocabulary. Hopefully, you have already saved the CEM vocabulary document with your own highlights and deletions to make it as useful as possible for you for studying for the test; if not, you can do so now! If you have time, review some vocabulary from Kapitel 1-6 as well!

2. OPTIONAL: Lesen Sie im Web über Präpositionen (Ignore info on Genitive prepositions and on prepositional verbs) und über Wortstellung. You need not “submit” the diagnostic exercises electronically, but of course we encourage you to try them, as well as the practice exercises.

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 8 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 8 grammar, which you should fill out and submit!

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the worksheet, so you can refer back to it as needed!

2. Anlauftext lesen (Important preparation for the next class!): Read the Kapitel 8 cartoon text (p. 290-1)as follows: First, read through the vocabulary in the bullet point below. Then read the text once quickly without stopping. Then look through the vocabulary one more time. Finally, read the text a second time, this time more carefully, referring back to the vocabulary below as needed, and looking up any other troublesome words/phrases online.

  • Vokabeln: ein Referat halten = to give a presentation [these are typically quite long at German universities]; Herein! = Come in!; Schön, dass Sie sich endlich melden = Good that you’re finally contacting me; Wie sieht es mit X aus? = How are things looking with X?; deswegen bin ich da = that’s why I’m here; ich habe mich schwer erkältet = I caught a bad cold; sich das Bein brechen = to break one’s leg; Sie haben wirklich Pech gehabt = you’ve had really bad luck; Haben Sie sich überhaupt für ein Thema entschieden? = Have you even decided on a topic?; Haben wir das nicht angemeldet? = Did we not register that with you?; Ich kann mich jedenfalls nicht daran erinnern = Well, I can’t (in any case) remember that you did; Koordinierung vom Spielplan = Coordination of the event schedule (e.g. of one or more theaters); ein aktuelles Thema = a currently relevant topic; das Wichtigste = the most important (aspects of the topic); die Fernbedienung = remote control; bestellen = to order; zusätzlich = in addition; schon vorbereitet = already prepared [Karl is a liar]; ich freue mich schon auf X = I’m already looking forward to X; Das werden wir nie schaffen = We’ll never manage to get it done (in time); Ich muss mich unbedingt hinlegen = I really (absolutely) have to go lie down

3.Für Donnerstag, den 21. September: Aufsatz 1(200 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

Donnerstag, 14. September

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 8 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the Kapitel 8 Vokabelquiz. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.”

  • Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment (what if I score below 80%, why is my score 0, what if nothing happens when I click “submit” etc.)

2. **SUBMIT** The first Kapitel 8 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 13. 


1. **Prepare for Canvas Mini-Quiz in time to submit it before class** Lesen Sie Die Känguru-Chroniken, Seite 18-25. Click here to download some notes to help you with the text. When you are ready, take the “DIE KÄNGURU-CHRONIKEN, SEITE 18-25: MINI-QUIZ.” You should start the quiz at least 15 minutes before class begins, in order to be sure to have enough time to complete it before it auto-submits!!

  • Please begin by reading the notes on the first chapter (“Tütensuppen-Totalitarismus”).
  • Then read the first chapter once quickly without stopping. Don’t worry about comprehension: just keep reading at the same speed at which you would read a simple text in English. This should just take 1 or 2 minutes, and will let your brain know what to expect. Doing this will make it A LOT easier to read the text carefully for understanding.
  • Then read the notes on the first chapter one more time, and re-read the first chapter carefully.
  • Now do the same for the second and third chapters (“69 Cent pro Minute” and “Die Essgeräusche der Anderen”).
  • This book started out as a radio show in which the author read the chapters one by one. You can ask for the CD recordings at the front desk of the LRC and listen to them there if you’re interested!


Dienstag, 19. September 1. **SUBMIT** Aufsatz 1(200 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

1a. Sehen Sie Teil 2 des Films Almanya: Willkommen in Deutschland [ca. 33 Minuten]. To access the clip, go to Canvas > Media Gallery, and click on the “Almanya CLIP 2” thumbnail. Email Hartmut if you run into any problems!

  • CONTENT WARNING: From 16:05-16:40, there is an intentionally absurd scene in which Muhamed is horrified to discover a crucifix in the house, and the family is astonished that such a figure could be an object of worship. If you do not want to see this scene, you do not have to. All you need to know is that it is meant to vividly illustrate a cultural misunderstanding. 

1b. **SUBMIT** Download the “Almanya – Teil 2 Worksheet.” Please read the notes about die Personen [=the main characters], die Sprache, and the Kulturnotizen before you watch the clip. Then fill out the worksheet as you watch the clip.

1c. We will watch Teil 3 (the last part of the movie) later in the semester.

2. **SUBMIT** Continue learning the Kapitel 8 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier! Then complete and submit this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel8CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.
Donnerstag, 21. September

1. **SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 8 MindTap Due Date

  • The remaining Kapitel 8 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 17. Visit this MindTap Information page for details.  Please read it carefully – especially the advice to do a few activities every day (not just on the nights before the due dates) and the info about activity notes that will save you time and help you get full credit.
  • Alternative to the MindTap Video: If you do not find the MindTap Video activities helpful, do this instead: Visit this list of listening sites, and choose an episode of the Lernen to Talk Show, OR an episode of extr@ auf Deutsch, OR a video on Yabla (note the instructions for how to register for free through the LRC). Watch the video at least twice (if you watch all three parts of one extr@ auf Deutsch episode, just watch them once; if you just watch one part, watch it twice). Take notes on what you understood and what you learned, and hand these in on paper instead of doing the MindTap video activities.
  • There is a 25% penalty for late submissions.

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and submit this worksheet.

3. OPTIONAL: Lesen Sie im Web über Prepositional Verbs (You can find practice exercises on this topic on the Prepositions page.)

1. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 8 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

2. OPTIONAL: Watch the “Kapitel 8 Videos zum Spaß

  • If you enjoy these, you could write about them for an AMD!

3. **SUBMIT** AMD 2:  Go to Canvas > Discussions. The AMD 2 prompt includes instructions and ideas! LET YOUR INSTRUCTOR KNOW IF YOU NEED AN EXTRA DAY TO COMPLETE THIS!

Dienstag, 26. September

1. **SUBMIT** Test 8 Wiederholungsblatt AND Essay.

  • This is a 4-point Assignment: 2 points for completing all (or most) of the review sheet; 2 points for drafting the essay.

1. Lernen Sie für Test 8! IDEEN:

  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 8 Video!
  • Review the Kapitel 8 vocabulary. Hopefully, you have already saved the CEM vocabulary document with your own highlights and deletions to make it as useful as possible for you for studying for the test; if not, you can do so now! If you have time, review the Kapitel 7 vocabulary as well!
  • Lesen Sie im Web über Reflexive Verben und über Da-Compounds. You need not “submit” the diagnostic exercises electronically, but of course we encourage you to try them, as well as the practice exercises.
Donnerstag, 28. September

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 9 – Teil 1 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 9 – Teil 1 “pre-quiz.”

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the quiz, so you can refer back to it as needed!
  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 36 for this particular exercise. To see all 36 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not “submittable”; it’s just available for additional practice.

2. Anlauftext lesen (Important preparation for the next class!): Read the Kapitel 9 cartoon text (p. 336-7) as follows: First, read through the vocabulary in the first bullet point below. Then read the text once quickly without stopping. Then look through the vocabulary in both bullet points below. Finally, read the text a second time, this time more carefully, referring back to the vocabulary below as needed, and looking up any other troublesome words/phrases online.

  • Vokabeln im Satzdetektiv: Gute Nachrichten = good news; das Vorstellungsgespräch = job interview; sich bewerben = to apply (for a job); das Praktikum = internship; die Stelle = position, job; der Termin = appointment; fest = firm, fixed; die einmalige Gelegenheit = unique opportunity; die Daumen drücken = to press one’s thumbs (German gesture for wishing someone luck); sich verhalten = to conduct oneself; wie wäre es mit X? = how about X?; die Arbeitserfahrung = work experience; sich beruhigen = to calm down; beeindrucken = to impress; warum würdest du nicht… = why wouldn’t you…?
  • Mehr Vokabeln im Anlauftext: die Wiener Staatsoper = Vienna National Opera House; die Einladung = invitation; In der Tat? = Really? Wow!; wahnsinnig = crazy, awesome; die Betriebsleitung = management (leadership [Leitung] of the company [Betrieb]); das hat keinen Zweck = there’s no point in that, that’s not a good idea; trotzdem = nevertheless; das schaffe ich nie = I’ll never manage (to do) that (successfully); einen guten Eindruck machen = to make a good impression; ein anständiger Haarschnitt = a decent haircut; sich vorbereiten auf = to prepare for; die Personalabteilung = the HR department; der Betriebsleiter = the head of the company; anwenden = to apply (an idea in practice: die Praxis); außerdem = besides; mit allen möglichen Leuten gut auskommen = to get along well with all kinds of people; du brauchst bloß zu üben = you just need to practice; ich mache immer so ein großes Theater = I always turn everything into a big drama; Jetzt wäre es wirklich die richtige Zeit dafür = Now would really be the right time for that [i.e. for turning something into a drama, literally, in this case, by practicing how he will “act” in his interview]

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 9 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the Kapitel 9 Vokabelquiz. You need a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.” Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment.

1c. OPTIONAL: Try the following astonishingly cute little exercises. (i) Berufe I (ii) Berufe II

2. **SUBMIT** The first Kapitel 9 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 22. 


Dienstag, 3. Oktober

1. **Prepare for Canvas Mini-Quiz in time to submit it before class** Lesen Sie Die Känguru-Chroniken, Seite 26, 31-34 & 46-50. Click here to download some notes to help you with the text. When you are ready, take the “DIE KÄNGURU-CHRONIKEN, SEITE 26, 31-34 & 46-50: MINI-QUIZ.” You should start the quiz at least 15 minutes before class begins, in order to be sure to have enough time to complete it before it auto-submits!!

  • Remember the earlier advice for reading this book: work one chapter at a time. For each chapter, (1) read the notes, (2) read the chapter once without stopping, (3) re-read the notes and (4) re-read the chapter carefully.
  • Scroll to the end of this article to see a long lists of the kinds of silly word-games with which the Känguru tortures the Erzähler in “Warzenschwein.” Some are fun (I think), a few are in poor taste; the article collects them all under the heading “Nerv-Sprech,” i.e. “Annoying-Speak.” You may find a couple you enjoy 🙂


1. **SUBMIT** Continue learning the Kapitel 9 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier! Then complete and submit this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel9CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.
Donnerstag, 5. Oktober

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 9 – Teil 2 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 9 – Teil 2 grammar, which you should fill out and submit!

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the worksheet, so you can refer back to it as needed!

2. **SUBMIT** A few Kapitel 9 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 25. 

1. **SUBMIT** AMD 3:  Go to Canvas > Discussions.

Dienstag, 10. Oktober

1a. Sehen Sie Teil 3 des Films Almanya: Willkommen in Deutschland [ca. 33 Minuten]. To access the clip, go to Canvas > Media Gallery, and click on the “Almanya CLIP 3” thumbnail. Email Hartmut if you run into any problems!

  • PLEASE ALSO WATCH THE BEGINNING OF THE CREDITS [=der Nachspann]: until 33:02!

1b. **SUBMIT** Download the “Almanya – Teil 3 Worksheet.” Please read the notes about die Personen [=the main characters], die Sprache, and the Kulturnotizen before you watch the clip. Then fill out the worksheet as you watch the clip.

1. **SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 9 MindTap Due Date

  • The remaining Kapitel 9 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 28. Visit this MindTap Information page for details.  Please read it carefully – especially the advice to do a few activities every day (not just on the nights before the due dates) and the info about activity notes that will save you time and help you get full credit.
  • Alternative to the MindTap Video: If you do not find the MindTap Video activities helpful, do this instead: Visit this list of listening sites, and choose an episode of the Lernen to Talk Show, OR an episode of extr@ auf Deutsch, OR a video on Yabla (note the instructions for how to register for free through the LRC). Watch the video at least twice (if you watch all three parts of one extr@ auf Deutsch episode, just watch them once; if you just watch one part, watch it twice). Take notes on what you understood and what you learned, and hand these in on paper instead of doing the MindTap video activities.
  • There is a 25% penalty for late submissions.

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and submit this worksheet.

Donnerstag, 12. Oktober Entspannen Sie sichsmiley

1. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 9 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

2.OPTIONAL: Watch the “Kapitel 9 Videos zum Spaß

  • If you enjoy these, you could write about them for an AMD!
Donnerstag, 19. Oktober

1. **SUBMIT** Test 9 Wiederholungsblatt AND Essay.

  • This is a 4-point Assignment: 2 points for completing all (or most) of the review sheet; 2 points for drafting the essay.

2. **SUBMIT** AMD 4:  Go to Canvas > Discussions.

1. Lernen Sie für Test 9! IDEEN:

  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 9 – Teil 1 Video und das Kapitel 9 – Teil 2 Video!
  • Review the Kapitel 9 vocabulary. Hopefully, you have already saved the CEM vocabulary document with your own highlights and deletions to make it as useful as possible for you for studying for the test; if not, you can do so now! If you have time, review the Kapitel 7 & 8 vocabulary as well!
  • Lesen Sie im Web über Relative Clauses (Ignore information on Genitive relative pronouns and on the relative pronouns wer, wo and was), über Adjektivendungen (Ignore information on the Genitive) und über Komparativ und Superlativ. You need not “submit” the diagnostic exercises electronically, but of course we encourage you to try them, as well as the practice exercises.
Dienstag, 24. Oktober

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 10 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 10 “pre-quiz” and use the “Submit” button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.” Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the quiz, so you can refer back to it as needed!
  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 54 for this particular exercise. To see all 54 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not “submittable”; it’s just available for additional practice.

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 10 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 10 Vokabeln, which you should fill out and submit. Note: The worksheet ends with a question about the “Aschenputtel” story. You should read the story (see item (2) below!) before trying to answer the question!

1c.  OPTIONAL: Try the following activity: Landschaft.

2. Anlauftext lesen (“Aschenputtel”) (Important review/preview of today’s class!): Depending on the semester’s calendar, this Assignment will sometimes come before we look at the text in class, sometimes afterwards. If it comes before, do your best with it, and don’t worry if you don’t understand everything! Understanding the story, and the many examples of verbs in the Narrative Past it contains, will be very helpful for understanding the new material in this chapter. Find the “Aschenputtel” text in your book (pp. 384-5) AND in your eBook. Read it as follows: First, look over Aktivität 4 & 5 on p. 383. Then play the audio of the text once in your eBook, without stopping, while reading along. Then look over Aktivität 4 & 5 one more time. Finally, read and listen to the text a second time, this time more carefully, looking up any troublesome words/phrases online. 

  • NOTE: One additional question about the text is at the end of the vocab worksheet you are filling out today.
  • OPTIONAL: you may enjoy reading a more authentic (and complete) version of Aschenputtel online at this great Grimm Brothers site. Alternatively, you could read this dual language version on the same site, or this version with audio (works best in Firefox). Many more options are here. If you like this site, click here to see their web editions of lots of other Grimm fairy tales! Please email Hartmut if these links are broken: this site moves periodically.

3. **SUBMIT** The first Kapitel 10 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 33. 


Donnerstag, 26. Oktober

1. **Prepare for Canvas Mini-Quiz in time to submit it before class** Lesen Sie Die Känguru-Chroniken, Seite 70-72, 76-77, 89-90, 97-98, 108-110. Click here to download some notes to help you with the text. When you are ready, take the “DIE KÄNGURU-CHRONIKEN, SEITE 70-72, 76-77, 89-90, 97-98, 108-110: MINI-QUIZ.” You should start the quiz at least 15 minutes before class begins, in order to be sure to have enough time to complete it before it auto-submits!!

  • Remember the earlier advice for reading this book: work one chapter at a time. For each chapter, (1) read the notes, (2) read the chapter once without stopping, (3) re-read the notes and (4) re-read the chapter carefully.

2. Für Donnerstag, den 2. November: Aufsatz 2 (250 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!


1. **Prepare for Canvas Mini-Quiz in time to submit it before class** Lesen Sie Die Känguru-Chroniken, Seite 114, 118-121, 125-128, 139-140b. Click here to download some notes to help you with the text. When you are ready, take the “DIE KÄNGURU-CHRONIKEN, SEITE 114, 118-121, 125-128, 139-140b: MINI-QUIZ.” You should start the quiz at least 15 minutes before class begins, in order to be sure to have enough time to complete it before it auto-submits!!

  • Here is a Lego dramatization of the “Teegesellschaft” chapter (p. 125-8)
  • Remember the earlier advice for reading this book: work one chapter at a time. For each chapter, (1) read the notes, (2) read the chapter once without stopping, (3) re-read the notes and (4) re-read the chapter carefully.


Dienstag, 31. Oktober

1. **SUBMIT** Continue learning the Kapitel 10 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier! Then complete and submit this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel10CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.

1. **SUBMIT** Aufsatz 2 (250 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

Donnerstag, 2. November

1. **SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 10 MindTap Due Date

  • The remaining Kapitel 10 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 38. Visit this MindTap Information page for details.  Please read it carefully – especially the advice to do a few activities every day (not just on the nights before the due dates) and the info about activity notes that will save you time and help you get full credit.
  • Alternative to the MindTap Video: If you do not find the MindTap Video activities helpful, do this instead: Visit this list of listening sites, and choose an episode of the Lernen to Talk Show, OR an episode of extr@ auf Deutsch, OR a video on Yabla (note the instructions for how to register for free through the LRC). Watch the video at least twice (if you watch all three parts of one extr@ auf Deutsch episode, just watch them once; if you just watch one part, watch it twice). Take notes on what you understood and what you learned, and hand these in on paper instead of doing the MindTap video activities.
  • There is a 25% penalty for late submissions.

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and submit this worksheet.

3. **SUBMIT** AMD 5:  Go to Canvas > Discussions.

  • Idee: Lesen Sie noch einmal das Janosch-Buch von Deutsch 101. Achten Sie auf die Verbformen im Präteritum! Können Sie das Buch jetzt besser verstehen?

We will be meeting at the KELSEY MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY (434 S. State St.) for the first hour of class on Tuesday! Please come in through the Maynard Street entrance in the back, and leave your coat/backpack in the coat room [ONLY PENCILS are allowed in the museum: NO FOOD, NO PENS]. We will meet by the entrance.

  • **PRINT AND BRING TO THE KELSEY MUSEUM this handout** Please read it through quickly when you print it!

1. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 10 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

2.OPTIONAL: Watch the “Kapitel 10 Videos zum Spaß

  • If you enjoy these, you could write about them for an AMD!
Dienstag, 7. November

We will be meeting at the KELSEY MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY (434 S. State St.) for the first hour of class today! Please come in through the Maynard Street entrance in the back, and leave your coat/backpack in the coat room [ONLY PENCILS are allowed in the museum: NO FOOD, NO PENS]. We will meet by the entrance.

  • Please remember to print, look through, and bring the handout.

1. **SUBMIT** Test 10 Wiederholungsblatt AND Essay.

  • Please note this information about the first grammar activity, Section E, which is worth 12 points [this info is also on the review sheet]: The format for this is the same as for MindTap Aktivität P10-18 & P10-28. You will need to produce the forms of some strong, some weak, and some mixed verbs, based on their infinitives which will be given in the item bank. Click on the links to see Dornröschen auf Deutsch, and Sleeping Beauty auf EnglischIf you don’t know the story, please read the English version – but reading the German too is great practice for this section ==> you could open the links in two browser tabs to read the two versions in parallel! **Please email Hartmut if the links are not working!**
  • This is a 4-point Assignment: 2 points for completing all (or most) of the review sheet; 2 points for drafting the essay.

1. Lernen Sie für Test 10! IDEEN:

  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 10 Video!
  • Review the Kapitel 10 vocabulary. Hopefully, you have already saved the CEM vocabulary document with your own highlights and deletions to make it as useful as possible for you for studying for the test; if not, you can do so now! If you have time, review the Kapitel 7-9 vocabulary as well!
  • Lesen Sie im Web über “strong vs. weak verbs“, über Tense Review und über Case Overviews. You need not “submit” the diagnostic exercises electronically, but of course we encourage you to try them, as well as the practice exercises.
  • Please note this information about the first grammar activity, Section E, which is worth 12 points [this info is also on the review sheet]: The format for this is the same as for MindTap Aktivität P10-18 & P10-28. You will need to produce the forms of some strong, some weak, and some mixed verbs, based on their infinitives which will be given in the item bank. Click on the links to see Dornröschen auf Deutsch, and Sleeping Beauty auf EnglischIf you don’t know the story, please read the English version – but reading the German too is great practice for this section ==> you could open the links in two browser tabs to read the two versions in parallel! **Please email Hartmut if the links are not working!**

2. Für Donnerstag, den 16. November: Aufsatz 3 (350 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

Donnerstag, 9. November

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 11 – Teil 1 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 11 – Teil 1 grammar, which you should fill out and submit!

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the worksheet, so you can refer back to it as needed!

2. Anlauftext lesen (Important preparation for the next class. Getting a feel for the many examples of Subjunctive II in this text, and for the new vocabulary it introduces, will help you a lot for this chapter!): Read the Kapitel 11 cartoon text (pp. 425-6) as follows: 

  • (1) Look at the sketches of “Sehenswürdigkeiten” in Berlin on p. 423.
  • (2) Look over the vocabulary and the explanations about the Subjunctive in the last two bullet points below
  • (3) Read through the entire text once quickly without stopping, even if it feels like you aren’t understanding much
  • (4) Finally, read the text a second time, this time more carefully, referring back to the vocabulary below as needed, and looking up any other troublesome words/phrases online.
  • Vokabeln: die Verspätung = delay [Anna apologizes for arriving late]; erzähl mal von = tell me about; eine Kleinigkeit essen = to have a snack [eine Kleinigkeit: something small]; recht interessant = quite interesting; die Kuppel des Reichstags = the cupola (dome) on the Reichstag (parliament building); besichtigen = to go see a sight; sich vorher anmelden = to register in advance; kaum noch = hardly still [he’s telling Anna that the Berlin Wall has mostly been torn down, and he names the three locations where remnants of it can still be seen]; Abgemacht! = Agreed!/It’s a deal!; Pass mal auf = Listen (literally: pay attention); Klingt gut = Sounds good [VERY useful expression!]; einen Bummel machen = to go for a stroll; entlang = along [a street or river]; das neue Regierungsviertel = the new government quarter [i.e. district]; das jüdische Mahnmal = the Jewish memorial; Was willst du denn dort um diese Zeit? = But what do you want to do there at that hour [when there’s not a lot going on]?; hat von…geschwärmt = raved about; ich bin verabredet = I have a date/appointment to meet someone
  • Subjunctive II: There are many examples of Subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II) in the Anlauftext. Here is some more information about them: Picture 3: The Subjunctive lets us know that Anna did not end up seeing the Reichstag, even though she wanted to: ich hätte stundenlang anstehen müssen = I would have had to stand in line for hours. (Note that with modal verbs, the past subjunctive is formed by combining hätte (always hätte, never wäre) with two infinitives; the infinitive of the modal verb comes last) Picture 4: Ich hätte dich warnen sollen = I should have warned you (Past subjunctive with a modal verb again; note the two infinitives and hätte). Das würde mich schon interessieren = That would indeed (schon) interest me (We learned about the würde + infinitive form in Kapitel 9 already) Picture 5: Ich würde gern Potsdam sehen = I would like to see Potsdam (würde + infinitive again) Picture 6: Wir sollten damit bis Samstag warten = We should wait with that (damit) until Sunday. Dann hätte ich mehr Zeit = Then I would have more time (We learned that hätte = would have in Kapitel 9 already) Picture 7: Aber was würdest du dann für morgen vorschlagen? = But then what would you suggest for tomorrow? (würde + infinitive again) Picture 8: An deiner Stelle würde ich… = If I was you, I would… Am Nachmittag könnten wir… = In the afternoon we couldPicture 9: Das wäre schön = That would be nice (We learned that wäre = would be in Kapitel 9 already). Ich würde gern sehen… = I would like to see… (würde + infinitive again). Vom Brandenburger Tor aus könnten wir das machen = We could do that by starting from the Brandenburg Gate (vom BT aus) Picture 10: ich hätte noch einen Wunsch = I have one more wish [here, hätte just makes the request more polite]; Könnten wir… = Could we… Picture 11: Am Wochenende wäre es aber lebendiger = On the weekend it would be more lively, though (wäre = would be, again) Picture 12: Das hätte ich gleich ahnen sollen = I should have suspected that right away (Past subjunctive with a modal verb again; note the two infinitives and hätte)

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 11 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the Kapitel 11 Vokabelquiz.You need a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.” Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment

  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 30 for this particular exercise. To see all 30 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not “submittable”; it’s just available for additional practice.

2. **SUBMIT** The first Kapitel 11 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 43. 

Dienstag, 14. November

1. **SUBMIT** Aufsatz 3 (350 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

1. **Prepare for Canvas Mini-Quiz in time to submit it before class** Lesen Sie Die Känguru-Chroniken, Seite 167-9, 179, 180, 182-184a & 185c. Click here to download some notes to help you with the text. When you are ready, take the “DIE KÄNGURU-CHRONIKEN, SEITE 167-9, 179, 180, 182-184a & 185c: MINI-QUIZ.” You should start the quiz at least 15 minutes before class begins, in order to be sure to have enough time to complete it before it auto-submits!!

  • Remember the earlier advice for reading this book: work one chapter at a time. For each chapter, (1) read the notes, (2) read the chapter once without stopping, (3) re-read the notes and (4) re-read the chapter carefully.


Donnerstag, 16. November

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 11 – Teil 2 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 11 – Teil 2 “pre-quiz” and use the “Submit” button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.” Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the quiz, so you can refer back to it as needed!
  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 30 for this particular exercise. To see all 30 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not “submittable”; it’s just available for additional practice.

2. **SUBMIT** One Kapitel 11 MindTap activity needs to be completed by Stunde 46. 

3. **SUBMIT** AMD 6:  Go to Canvas > Discussions.

1. **SUBMIT** Continue learning the Kapitel 11 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier! Then complete and submit this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel11CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.
Dienstag, 21. November

1. Absprungtext lesen: SUBMIT answers to Aktivität 22, 23, 25, 27 & 29. Proceed as follows:

  • First, read “Deutschland: von der Monarchie zur Demokratie I, II & II” (pp. 434, 444 & 455), and this timeline of postwar German history in English. This will help you a lot with the rest of this assignment!
  • Next, do Aktivität 22 & 23. Hopefully, you will already know the answers to most of these questions, and be able to guess the rest via a process of elimination. If not, look up unknown vocabulary and unfamiliar events/people as needed!
  • Now scan the text, “Die Geschichte Berlins” (V Seite 446-7) for the answers to Aktivität 25
    • Beitritt = joining
    • For “die Gründung des zweiten deutschen Reiches,” choose 1871: Vorsprung thinks of this as “das zweite deutsche Reich”.
    • For die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft in Deutschland, list BOTH years found in the text!
  • Next, look at Aktivität 26. Look up the words in bold print at the start of each question (i.e. “die Machtergreifung,” “stattfinden,” “besetzen” etc.), but DON’T do the activity!
  • Next, read the text thoroughly in order to do Aktivität 27.
    • The answer to question 9 is UM West-Berlin (this is not clear from the text)
  • Finally, do Aktivität 29 (extrapolating some info about the Passive based on the text.
    • For question 1, note that the “grammatical subject” of a sentence is the person or thing that the verb agrees with. In Passive sentences, the grammatical subject is actually the object of the action (what gets “verbed”).
    • For question 2, none of the subjects in the examples are actually people, but in general the subject of a Passive sentence will be a person or a thing.

1. **Prepare for Canvas Mini-Quiz in time to submit it before class** Lesen Sie Die Känguru-Chroniken, Seite 187d-190, 195-7, 237e-239. Click here to download some notes to help you with the text. When you are ready, take the “DIE KÄNGURU-CHRONIKEN, SEITE 187d-190, 195-7, 237e-239: MINI-QUIZ.” You should start the quiz at least 15 minutes before class begins, in order to be sure to have enough time to complete it before it auto-submits!!

  • Remember the earlier advice for reading this book: work one chapter at a time. For each chapter, (1) read the notes, (2) read the chapter once without stopping, (3) re-read the notes and (4) re-read the chapter carefully.


Dienstag, 28. November

**SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 11 MindTap Due Date

  • The remaining Kapitel 11 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 50. Visit this MindTap Information page for details.  Please read it carefully – especially the advice to do a few activities every day (not just on the nights before the due dates) and the info about activity notes that will save you time and help you get full credit.
  • Alternative to the MindTap Video: If you do not find the MindTap Video activities helpful, do this instead: Visit this list of listening sites, and choose an episode of the Lernen to Talk Show, OR an episode of extr@ auf Deutsch, OR a video on Yabla (note the instructions for how to register for free through the LRC). Watch the video at least twice (if you watch all three parts of one extr@ auf Deutsch episode, just watch them once; if you just watch one part, watch it twice). Take notes on what you understood and what you learned, and hand these in on paper instead of doing the MindTap video activities.
  • There is a 25% penalty for late submissions.

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and submit this worksheet.

1. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 11 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

2.OPTIONAL: Watch the “Kapitel 11 Videos zum Spaß

3. Start reviewing for the final exam! For example, you could get an early start on the review sheet (see the next assignment!), or you could click here to review all of the video lectures from German 102, and perhaps also some of the German 101 video lectures.

Donnerstag, 30. November


1. **SUBMIT** Endexamen Wiederholungsblatt AND Essays.

  • This is a 6-point Assignment: 2 points for completing all (or most) of the review sheet; 4 points for drafting BOTH essays.
  • Please use “Comments” in your Google doc to indicate items for which you especially want feedback [e.g. “Ist das richtig?” or “Is the verb position correct in this sentence?” or “Is ‘e’ the correct adjective ending here because there is a determiner in dictionary form (das)?”].

1. Lernen Sie für das Endexamen! IDEEN:

  • Visit this page to review the Kapitel 11 Teil 1 & Teil 2 video lectures, and as many of the earlier video lectures as you have time/patience for.
  • Review the Kapitel 11 vocabulary. Hopefully, you have already saved the CEM vocabulary document with your own highlights and deletions to make it as useful as possible for you for studying for the test; if not, you can do so now! If you have time, review the Kapitel 7-10 vocabulary as well!
  • Lesen Sie im Web über Konjunktiv II, über Active vs Passive Voice und über das Passiv. You need not “submit” the diagnostic exercises electronically, but of course we encourage you to try them, as well as the practice exercises.
Dienstag, 5. Dezember


1. Lernen Sie für das Endexamen!

2. Sprechen und lesen Sie in den Ferien Deutsch!
Gehen Sie in einen Park, entspannen Sie sich, und sehen Sie sich die Pflanzen und Tiere an.
Sehen Sie einen Film, weil er ein Klassiker ist.
Lesen Sie ein Buch, weil es ein Klassiker ist.
Schreiben Sie einen Brief mit der Hand.
Fragen Sie einen alten Menschen über die alten Zeiten.

Frohe Ferien!!