Deutsch 101 ABENDSEKTION Hausaufgaben – Herbst 2019

Deutsch 101 Hausaufgaben für die ABENDKLASSE

(Sektion 006: Dienstag & Donnerstag 7-9)

September Oktober
November Dezember

Here are the suggested assignments–but please be aware that your instructor may make changes to this in class!

Each ROW in the homework plan below corresponds to one day’s homework for the daytime sections. Since the evening section only meets two days/week, you will be assigned two “rows” of homework on each class day. PLEASE try to do these on two separate days if you can: doing both parts at once is too much, and you will learn less from it. Please remember that late homework will receive a “check minus,” and homework that is more than two class days late may not be accepted (unless, of course, you have a good excuse for handing it in late). If you notice any mistakes, please use the Contact/Feedback link at the bottom of this page, or inform your instructor!

Dienstag, 3. September

To understand this homework schedule, imagine your instructor saying “This is what you have to do for the NEXT class.==> What is listed here today is due ON THURSDAY (SEPTEMBER 5). Work through the numbered items one by one.

**SUBMIT** indicates something you need to HAND IN on paper or electronically.

1. If your book has not yet arrived, please print pages 2-7 for tomorrow’s class (Stunde 2) [die Stunde = hour]. You can print from the eBook from Canvas: Files > Vorsprung Scans > Vorsprung4e Kapitel1.pdf.

2a. Sehen Sie [=watch] das Kapitel 1 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

2b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 1 “pre-quiz.”

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the quiz, so you can refer back to it as needed!

3a. Lesen Sie [=read] die Kursinformation.

3b. Lesen Sie Vorsprung Seite xxv-xxvi (“To the student”)

  • Ignore Vorsprung’s advice to “avoid memorizing lists of words”!

4. **SUBMIT** Click here to take the quiz on learning strategies (see also Vorsprung Seite xxv-xxvi), important course policies, and on the vocabulary from the first day of class [Click on the preceding three links to review the info covered by this quiz!]. You need a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.” 

  • Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment (what if I score below 80%, why is my score 0, what if nothing happens when I click “submit” etc.)

5. OPTIONAL: “Kapitel 1 Videos zum Spaß [=for fun].” Watch the ones that look interesting to you. This chapter’s videos include e.g. the “Twist and Shout” Scene from Ferris Bueller; David Hasselhoff singing auf Deutsch; Sesame Street (Sesamstraße) auf Deutsch; & a music video classic by Die Toten Hosen: Zehn kleine Jägermeister.

  • If you enjoy these, you could write about them for your first AMD in a few days!

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 1 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the Kapitel 1 Vokabelquiz. You need a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.” 

  • Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment (what if I score below 80%, why is my score 0, what if nothing happens when I click “submit” etc.)

2. **SUBMIT** First Kapitel 1 MindTap Due Date ==> 

  • Visit this MindTap Information page for details.  Please read it carefully – especially the advice to do a few activities every day (not just on the nights before the due dates) and the info about activity notes that will save you time and help you get full credit.
  • Go to MindTap via the link in the second paragraph of our Canvas Home Page
  • If you haven’t already done so, you will be prompted to log into your Cengage account (using the SAME Cengage account you used to purchase MindTap!). You will only have to do this once all semester, and should not have to do it again in German 102 – but please keep a record of your Cengage login info “just in case”!

3. Sounds of German – Pronunciation Practice:

  • Click on the link for instructions on how to find and use the Sounds of German pronunciation practice on MindTap. There is nothing to submit for this assignment, but this pronunciation practice is SEHR WICHTIG – very important!
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click here for some great online resources on Pronunciation, including some YouTube video summaries by a musician who has mastered multiple languages, and a great interactive site from the University of Iowa. There is also a “Pronunciation Guide” on Canvas if you would like a written summary to print out.
  • COME BACK TO THIS ASSIGNMENT WHENEVER YOU WANT TO WORK ON YOUR PRONUNCIATION! Working on your pronunciation early is a GREAT way to build confidence and get more out of class time
  • Make an appointment with your instructor if you notice that you could benefit from extra practice – or ask in class if you just have questions about one or two specific sounds!
Donnerstag, 5. September

0. If you are still printing out Kapitel 1 bit by bit, what you will need for next time is pages 2-35.

1. **SUBMIT** Review the annotated Kapitel 1 vocabulary list (“Kapitel1CEM.docx”). Then complete and hand in this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel1CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.
  • Click here for information on how to type Umlaute & ß. On a Mac, there are easy shortcuts; on a PC, the easiest option is probably to activate the US International Keyboard and use the shortcuts this makes available.

2. OPTIONAL: Schoolhouse Rock! For an entertaining and nostalgic review of the basics of English grammar (which will help you a lot to understand the grammatical concepts in this course, and your future German courses), review some of the classic Schoolhouse Rock episodes. Even if you know all about grammar, you may want to watch the classic “Conjunction Junction.” Newer, but very sweet and particularly helpful for this course, is “The Tale of Mr. Morton,” which explains subjects and predicates. Check out the related videos to find more. [Nothing to do with grammar, but the other must-see Schoolhouse Rock classic is “I’m Just a Bill.”]

  • If one of the above links is broken, please email Hartmut! You should be able to find a replacement by searching for the title.

1. **SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 1 MindTap Due Date

  • The remaining Kapitel 1 MindTap activities need to be completed by Stunde 6. Visit this MindTap Information page for details.  Please read it carefully – especially the advice to do a few activities every day (not just on the nights before the due dates) and the info about activity notes that will save you time and help you get full credit.
  • Go to MindTap via the link in the second paragraph of our Canvas Home Page
  • If you haven’t already done so, you will be prompted to log into your Cengage account (using the SAME Cengage account you used to purchase MindTap!). You will only have to do this once all semester, and should not have to do it again in German 102 – but please keep a record of your Cengage login info “just in case”!

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and hand in this worksheet.

  • Click here for information on how to type Umlaute & ß. On a Mac, there are easy shortcuts; on a PC, the easiest option is probably to activate the US International Keyboard and use the shortcuts this makes available.
Dienstag, 10. September

0. If you are still printing out Kapitel 1 bit by bit, what you will need for Stunde 7 is (still) pages 2-35.

1. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 1 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

1. **SUBMIT** Test 1 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you’ve attempted most of the sections, you will get a “check”; if you’ve done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a “check plus.” Your instructor will determine the grade in class by taking a very quick look while you’re discussing your responses in pairs, so that you can keep the sheet and continue studying with it.
Donnerstag, 12. September

1. Lernen Sie für Test 1! IDEEN:

  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 1 Video!
  • Review the annotated Kapitel 1 vocabulary list. Hopefully, you have already saved the document with your own highlights and deletions to make it as useful as possible for you for studying for the test; if not, you can do so now!

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 2 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 3 Video von 5:39-7:34 (i.e. watch ONLY the section of the Kapitel 3 video that’s about Accusative Pronouns). Klicken Sie hier!

1c. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 2 “pre-quiz” and use the “Submit” button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.”

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the quiz, so you can refer back to it as needed!
  • Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment (what if I score below 80%, why is my score 0, what if nothing happens when I click “submit” etc.)
Dienstag, 17. September

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 2 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 2 Vokabeln, which you should fill out and hand in!

2. **SUBMIT** First Kapitel 2 MindTap Due Date

1. Lesen Sie auf der Kurswebseite die “Supplementary Grammar Explanations” für Kapitel 2.

2. OPTIONAL: Watch the “Kapitel 2 Videos zum Spaß [=for fun].”

  • If you enjoy these, you could write about them for an AMD!
Donnerstag, 19. September

1. **SUBMIT** Review the annotated Kapitel 2 vocabulary list (“Kapitel2CEM.docx”). Then complete and hand in this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel2CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.

2. **SUBMIT** AMD 1: Go to Canvas > Discussions. The AMD 1 prompt includes instructions and ideas!

1a. Sehen Sie Teil 1 des Films Lola rennt [ca. 20 Minuten]. [We’ll be watching the movie in 4 parts.] To access the clip, Go to Canvas > Media Gallery, and click on the “Lola rennt [Clip 1]” thumbnail. Email Hartmut if you run into any problems!

  • When the movie Victoria came out in 2015, a number of critics described it as “Der beste deutsche Film seit [=since] Lola rennt 1998″. Of course you should make up your own mind, but critics and audiences world-wide loved Lola rennt, and we hope many of you will also. Click here for Wikipedia’s summary of the movie’s critical reception.

1b. **SUBMIT** Click here to download the “Lola rennt – Teil 1 Worksheet,” fill it out as you watch the clip, and hand it in in class.

Dienstag, 24. September

1. **SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 2 MindTap Due Date

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and hand in this worksheet.

1. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 2 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

Donnerstag, 26. September

1. **SUBMIT** Test 2 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you’ve attempted most of the sections, you will get a “check”; if you’ve done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a “check plus.” Your instructor will determine the grade in class by taking a very quick look while you’re discussing your responses in pairs, so that you can keep the sheet and continue studying with it.

1. Lernen Sie für Test 2! IDEEN:

  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 2 Video!
  • Review the annotated Kapitel 2 vocabulary list. Hopefully, you have already saved the document with your own highlights and deletions to make it as useful as possible for you for studying for the test; if not, you can do so now! If you have time, review the annotated vocabulary list from Kapitel 1 as well!
Dienstag, 1. Oktober

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 3 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 3 “pre-quiz” and use the “Submit” button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.” Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment.

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the quiz, so you can refer back to it as needed!
  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 50 for this particular exercise. To see all 50 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not “submittable”; it’s just available for additional practice.

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 3 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 3 Vokabeln, which you should fill out and hand in!

2. **SUBMIT** First Kapitel 3 MindTap Due Date

Donnerstag, 3. Oktober

1. **SUBMIT** Lesen Sie den Text “Restaurants und Supermärkte in den USA”. Click here to download the text combined with vocabulary notes and a worksheet, which you should fill out and hand in.

  • DON’T try to understand every word of this text. You just need to understand the main points!
  • ADVICE: 1. Give yourself two minutes to quickly read through all the questions. 2. Give yourself five minutes to read through the whole German text once quickly, without stopping. 3. Now read the text one more time and answer the questions as you go. You only need to understand enough to answer the questions! 4. DON’T look up every unknown word: the vocab notes on the right should be all (or almost all) you need!
  • We’re only reading parts of the original texts. If you’re interested:
    • click here to see the original version of the restaurant text online.
    • click here to see the original version of the supermarket text online.
  • If you can, please work on this assignment in pairs or groups. Submit one copy of the worksheet with all your names on it, and you will all get the same grade!

2. [Für Donnerstag, den 10. Oktober:] Aufsatz 1 (125-150 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

3. **SUBMIT** AMD 2. Go to Canvas > Discussions. The AMD 2 prompt includes instructions and ideas!

1a. Sehen Sie Teil 2 des Films Lola rennt [ca. 20 Minuten]. To access the clip, Go to Canvas > Media Gallery, and click on the “Lola rennt [Clip 2]” thumbnail. Email Hartmut if you run into any problems!

  • Note: This is the first of three alternative versions of how the story could go. Think “The Butterfly Effect

1b. **SUBMIT** Click here to download the “Lola rennt – Teil 2 Worksheet,” fill it out as you watch the clip, and hand it in in class.

2. **SUBMIT** Review the annotated Kapitel 3 vocabulary list (“Kapitel3CEM.docx”). Then complete and hand in this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel3CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.
Dienstag, 8. Oktober

1. **SUBMIT** Aufsatz 1 (125-150 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

  • If you need an extra day or two to complete this essay, just LET YOUR INSTRUCTOR KNOW!

1. **SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 3 MindTap Due Date

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and hand in this worksheet.

Donnerstag, 10. Oktober

1. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 3 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

2. Bring a fun (but inoffensive!) object to class; choose something that won’t break if it’s passed around in class, and that you’re not terrified of losing (it shouldn’t get lost during the activity in class, but you never know). Look up the German word for this object (including the gender!) if you don’t know it, and write it down!

3.OPTIONAL: Watch the “Kapitel 3 Videos zum Spaß

  • If you enjoy these, you could write about them for an AMD!

1. **SUBMIT** Test 3 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you’ve attempted most of the sections, you will get a “check”; if you’ve done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a “check plus.” Your instructor will determine the grade in class by taking a very quick look while you’re discussing your responses in pairs, so that you can keep the sheet and continue studying with it.
  • Great practice for Section G: Ich will alles haben

2. RECOMMENDED: Lesen Sie “Some Hints on How to Guess Gender

  • Optional, but amazingly interesting: Click here for an article on the results of actual empirical research on how language affects the way we think. If you like it, post about it for an AMD. Towards the end, the article describes some research results about noun genders, such as: “For example, when asked to describe a ‘key’ — a word that is masculine in German and feminine in Spanish — the German speakers were more likely to use words like ‘hard,’ ‘heavy,’ ‘jagged,’ ‘metal,’ ‘serrated,’ and ‘useful,’ whereas Spanish speakers were more likely to say ‘golden,’ ‘intricate,’ ‘little,’ ‘lovely,’ ‘shiny,’ and ‘tiny.’ To describe a ‘bridge,’ which is feminine in German and masculine in Spanish, the German speakers said ‘beautiful,’ ‘elegant,’ ‘fragile,’ ‘peaceful,’ ‘pretty,’ and ‘slender,’ and the Spanish speakers said ‘big,’ ‘dangerous,’ ‘long,’ ‘strong,’ ‘sturdy,’ and ‘towering.'”
Donnerstag, 17. Oktober

1. Lernen Sie für Test 3! IDEEN:

  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 3 Video!
  • Review the annotated Kapitel 3 vocabulary list. Hopefully, you have already saved the document with your own highlights and deletions to make it as useful as possible for you for studying for the test; if not, you can do so now! If you have time, review the annotated vocabulary lists from Kapitel 1 & 2 as well!
  • Great practice for Section G: Ich will alles haben

2. **SUBMIT** AMD 3. Go to Canvas > Discussions. [If you need an extra day or two to complete this AMD, just LET YOUR INSTRUCTOR KNOW!]

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 4 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 4 “pre-quiz” and use the “Submit” button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.” Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment.

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the quiz, so you can refer back to it as needed!
  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 44 for this particular exercise. To see all 44 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not “submittable”; it’s just available for additional practice.

3. [Für Dienstag, den 5. November:] Aufsatz 2 (150 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

Dienstag, 22. Oktober

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 4 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the Kapitel 4 Vokabelquiz. You need a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.” Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment.

1c. OPTIONAL: Here are a few additional vocab practice activities from another site that you could try for fun: (i) Kleider (ii) Körperpflege (iii) Reisen (iv) Unterwegs

2. **SUBMIT** First Kapitel 4 MindTap Due Date

3. Lesen Sie hier mehr über den Imperativ.


1. **SUBMIT** Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 3-11. Click here to download a worksheet on the text, which you should fill out and hand in!

  • Please begin by reading the vocabulary on the worksheet.
  • Then look over the pictures, and read the assigned pages once quickly without stopping.
  • Then read the text one more time more carefully, and complete the worksheet.
  • If you don’t have the book yet, you can find scans of pages 1-27 on Canvas (Files > Janosch Scans) – but please be sure to get the book ASAP!

2. **SUBMIT** Review the annotated Kapitel 4 vocabulary list (“Kapitel4CEM.docx”). Then complete and hand in this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel4CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.


Donnerstag, 24. Oktober

1. **FINISH DRAFT TODAY!** Aufsatz 2 (150 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas! This essay is not due until November 5, BUT you’ll be busy completing the Test 4 review sheet in preparation for that day, and won’t have time to write this essay then. ==> You’ll get the most out of this assignment if you draft the essay this weekend, when there’s more time. Do your best with the chapter 4 grammar and vocabulary – in particular, modal verbs. Then when you’ve completed the Kapitel 4 review sheet, you can apply what you’ve learned in this chapter to quickly proofread your essay, and hand it in on November 5.


1. **SUBMIT** Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 12-19. Click here to download a worksheet on the text, which you should fill out and hand in!

  • Please begin by reading the vocabulary on the worksheet.
  • Then look over the pictures, and read the assigned pages once quickly without stopping.
  • Then read the text one more time more carefully, and complete the worksheet.

2a. Sehen Sie Teil 3 des Films Lola rennt [ca. 20 Minuten]. To access the clip, Go to Canvas > Media Gallery, and click on the “Lola rennt [Clip 3]” thumbnail. Email Hartmut if you run into any problems!

2b. **SUBMIT** Click here to download the “Lola rennt – Teil 3 Worksheet,” fill it out as you watch the clip, and hand it in in class. [This section of the movie contains lots of useful/fun expressions and examples of modal verbs and the Imperative ==> this worksheet is a little longer than the others ==> today’s Janosch worksheet is a little shorter than usual!]


Dienstag, 29. Oktober

1. **SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 4 MindTap Due Date

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and hand in this worksheet.

1. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 4 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

2. OPTIONAL: Watch the “Kapitel 4 Videos zum Spaß

  • If you enjoy these, you could write about them for an AMD!
Donnerstag, 31. Oktober

1. **SUBMIT** Test 4 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you’ve attempted most of the sections, you will get a “check”; if you’ve done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a “check plus.” Your instructor will determine the grade in class by taking a very quick look while you’re discussing your responses in pairs, so that you can keep the sheet and continue studying with it.

2. **SUBMIT** Aufsatz 2 (150 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas! Hopefully, you were able to draft this essay as suggested in the “Für Stunde 31: Finish Draft Today” Assignment (when there was minimal other homework), so that today you can just proofread it for errors related to Kapitel 4 (and earlier chapters), as part of your review for Test 4!

3. **SUBMIT** AMD 4. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

1. Lernen Sie für Test 4! IDEEN:

  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 4 Video!
  • Review the annotated Kapitel 4 vocabulary list. Hopefully, you have already saved the document with your own highlights and deletions to make it as useful as possible for you for studying for the test; if not, you can do so now! If you have time, review the annotated vocabulary lists from Kapitel 1-3 as well!
Dienstag, 5. November

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 5 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 5 grammar, which you should fill out and hand in!

  • This list of irregular verbs you should know by Test 5 should help you with the worksheet. If a verb is not listed, assume it’s a weak verb.
    • Here is another version of the same list, less alphabetical, but grouping the verbs by their patterns of stem-changes. Browse through this list for 5 minutes a day every day until you have a feel for the forms of the strong verbs.
  • In choosing between haben or sein as the auxiliary verb, remember to use sein for changes of location and changes of state, and haben otherwise. In deciding if something represents a change of state, remember what matters is whether the person performing the action changes state: if I kill Kenny, I don’t change state ==> Ich habe Kenny getötet. If Kenny dies, he changes state: Kenny ist gestorben.
  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the worksheet, so you can refer back to it as needed!

2. Anlauftext lesen (Important preparation for the next class!): Read the Kapitel 5 cartoon text (p. 166-7) as follows: First, read through the vocabulary in the bullet point below. Then read the text once quickly without stopping. Then look through the vocabulary one more time. Finally, read the text a second time, this time more carefully, referring back to the vocabulary below as needed, and looking up any other troublesome words/phrases online.

  • Vokabeln: die Geschichte = story (also means “history”); erzählen = to tell (a story); der/die Kellner(in) = waiter/waitress; die Studentenkneipe = student bar; Geld verdienen = to earn money; X hat mir gut gefallen = I (really) liked X; das Trinkgeld = tip; wenigstens = at least; gut aussehen = to look good; einladen = to invite; nachher = afterwards; zusammen = together; leidenschaftlich diskutieren = to have a passionate discussion; etwas mutiger = a bit more courageous; später = later; die Alster: a river that forms a lake in Hamburg; einander küssen = to kiss each other; zum ersten Mal = for the first time; es hat die ganze Zeit geregnet = it rained the whole time; eine ganz schlimme Erkältung = a really bad cold; trotzdem = nevertheless; du hast mir so leid getan = I felt so sorry for you (es tut mir leid = I’m sorry about that); Zeit miteinander verbringen = to spend time with each other; abends ausgehen = to go out in the evenings; die Nacht durchmachen = to stay up all night (partying or working) ==> adding “tolle” means that these nights were great; St. Pauli: a district of Hamburg known for its nightlife (in particular, the “Reeperbahn” area which we’ll read about in “Brennpunkt Kultur” in this chapter); die Elbe: a major river that goes through Hamburg; ein Liebesgedicht = a love poem; vergessen = to forget; bis über beide Ohren verliebt sein = to be head over heels in love (literally: above both ears); deshalb = therefore; sich verloben = to get engaged; bald danach = soon afterwards; heiraten = to marry (verheiratet = married)

3. [Für Dienstag, den 12. November:] Aufsatz 3 (150 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 5 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the Kapitel 5 Vokabelquiz. You need a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.”Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment.

  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 30 for this particular exercise. To see all 30 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not “submittable”; it’s just available for additional practice.

1c. OPTIONAL: Try this quiz on weather-related vocabulary: Himmel.

2. **SUBMIT** First Kapitel 5 MindTap Due Date


Donnerstag, 7. November

1a. **SUBMIT** Lesen Sie den Text “Freundschaft in Zeiten der sozialen Netzwerke”. Click here to download the text combined with vocabulary notes and a worksheet, which you should fill out and hand in.

  • We strongly encourage you to work on this assignment in pairs or groups. If you do so, you can just hand in one copy of the worksheet with all your names on it, and you will all get the same grade!
  • Skim through the entire text once quickly without stopping (don’t let this take longer than 5 minutes!), then read it through one more time and answer the questions as you go. You only need to understand the text well enough to answer the questions. Please resist the urge to look up every unknown word, but do look up any of the italicized words [vocabulary from Vorsprung Kapitel 1-5] that you don’t recognize.
  • Try to answer all the questions – but it’s OK if you leave a few things blank!
  • Click here if you’d like to see the original text online (we’ve edited it for this assignment)

1b. **SUBMIT** Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 20-27. Click here to download a worksheet on the text, which you should fill out and hand in! Today’s worksheet is very short, since you’re also reading the “soziale Netzwerke” text.

  • Please begin by reading the vocabulary on the worksheet.
  • Then look over the pictures, and read the assigned pages once quickly without stopping.
  • Then read the text one more time more carefully, and complete the worksheet.


1. **SUBMIT** Aufsatz 3 (150 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

  • NOTE: If you think you need more practice with the Conversational Past tense before you can write this essay, please ask your instructor for an extension!

2. Lesen Sie mehr über die Verbformen im Conversational Past:

Dienstag, 12. November

1a. Sehen Sie Teil 4 des Films Lola rennt [ca. 20 Minuten]. To access the clip, Go to Canvas > Media Gallery, and click on the “Lola rennt [Clip 4]” thumbnail. Email Hartmut if you run into any problems!

1b. **SUBMIT** Click here to download the “Lola rennt – Teil 4 Worksheet,” fill it out as you watch the clip, and hand it in in class.

2. **SUBMIT** Review the annotated Kapitel 5 vocabulary list (“Kapitel5CEM.docx”). Then complete and hand in this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel5CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.

1. **SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 5 MindTap Due Date

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and hand in this worksheet.

3. [Für Dienstag, den 26. November:] Aufsatz 4 (350 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

Donnerstag, 14. November

1. **SUBMIT** Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 28-35. Click here to download a worksheet on the text, which you should fill out and hand in!

  • Please begin by reading the vocabulary on the worksheet.
  • Then look over the pictures, and read the assigned pages once quickly without stopping.
  • Then read the text one more time more carefully, and complete the worksheet.
  • When you are finished: answer the Canvas Survey “Was sehen wir auf Seite 34-35 im Janosch-Buch?”

2. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 5 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

3.OPTIONAL: Watch the “Kapitel 5 Videos zum Spaß

  • If you enjoy these, you could write about them for an AMD!

4. **SUBMIT** AMD 5.If you need more time for this AMD, please just ask your instructor for an extension! Go to Canvas > Discussions.


1. **SUBMIT** Test 5 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you’ve attempted most of the sections, you will get a “check”; if you’ve done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a “check plus.” Your instructor will determine the grade in class by taking a very quick look while you’re discussing your responses in pairs, so that you can keep the sheet and continue studying with it.
  • Remember this list of irregular verbs you should know by Test 5, and this alternative version of the same list, grouped by patterns!
Dienstag, 19. November

1. Lernen Sie für Test 5! IDEEN:

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 6 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 6 “pre-quiz” and use the “Submit” button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a “check.” Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment.

  • Suggestion: Keep the video lecture open in a separate window while you work on the quiz, so you can refer back to it as needed!
  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 38 for this particular exercise. To see all 38 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not “submittable”; it’s just available for additional practice.

2. Anlauftext lesen (Important preparation for the next class!): Read the Kapitel 6 cartoon text (p. 206-7) as follows: First, read through the vocabulary in the bullet point below. Then read the text once quickly without stopping. Then look through the vocabulary one more time. Finally, read the text a second time, this time more carefully, referring back to the vocabulary below as needed, and looking up any other troublesome words/phrases online.

  • Vokabeln: erst seit einer Woche = just for one week (i.e. since a week ago); gleich neben = right beside; der 2. Stock = the 2nd floor (would be the 3rd floor in the U.S.); Ich krieg die Tür nicht auf = I can’t get [kriegen] the door open [auf]; der Schlüssel = key; auf•schließen = to unlock; Guck mal! = Look!; Gefällt dir X nicht? = Don’t you like X?; zwar…aber… = it may be true that…, but…; das Regal = set of shelves; der Schrank = wardrobe; die Klamotten: informal word for “clothes”; Heißt das, dass…? = Does that mean that…?; nichts anderes als = nothing but (“nothing other than”); so ziemlich = kind of; die Reihenfolge = the order (in which things happen); die Vorlesung, -en = lecture; die Studentenkneipe = student bar; wenn es dir recht ist = if that’s OK with you; mein eigenes X = my own X; Du hast echt Schwein gehabt = You were really [echt: genuinely] lucky; meistens = most of the time; das Gemeinschaftsbad = communal bathroom; der Duschraum = shower room; auf dem Gang = in the hallway; vielleicht ist es doch X = maybe it is X after all; das schwarze Brett = bulletin board [“black board”]; das Postfach = mailbox; im Erdgeschoss = on the ground floor; die Küche = kitchen; Ich muss zu X = Ich muss zu X gehen; ich komme später bei dir vorbei = I’ll come by your place [bei dir] later; mir X leihen = loan me X; einen Stock tiefer = one floor lower; Ich danke dir echt für = thanks a lot [genuinely] for; Bis gleich = see you soon/in a bit

3. Memorize the Basic Chart of Forms of der/das/die, ein-words, Pronouns [ignore the Genitive]. Note that there are some simple, repetitive exercises at the bottom of the page to help you memorize this materials (they include the Genitive, however).

  • Click here for a version of the chart that prints on one page.
Donnerstag, 21. November

1. **SUBMIT** Aufsatz 4 (350 Wörter). Topic (“Thema”) and instructions on Canvas!

2. Review the following items in the Appendix of Vorsprung (pp. 488-496) over the next few days, in preparation for the final exam: 2 [ignore the Genitive], 6, 7 [ignore the Genitive], 13 [just the first two columns], 15 [just danken, gefallen, gehören, helfen & schmecken], 16 [also review the information on negation on our website], 17 [just Present and Conversational Past], 18, 19, and 22 [ignore the Narrative Past]

3. OPTIONAL: Check out Deutsche Welle’s compilation of their “10 Favorite German Idioms” (starting with “Schwein gehabt,” of course 🙂 )

1a. Begin learning the Kapitel 6 vocabulary. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. **SUBMIT** When you’re ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 6 Vokabeln, which you should fill out and hand in!

  • Wie viele Haare hat man normalerweise auf dem Kopf, wenn man jung ist? Klicken Sie hier!

1c. RECOMMENDED: Try the following activities: (i) Hausteile (ii) Möbel (iii) Räume (iv) Körperteile

2. **SUBMIT** First Kapitel 6 MindTap Due Date

Dienstag, 26. November

1. **SUBMIT** Lesen Sie den Text “Kleine Zimmer, kleine Miete – Leben im Studentenwohnheim”. Click here to download the text combined with vocabulary notes and a worksheet, which you should fill out and hand in.

  • We strongly encourage you to work on this assignment in pairs or groups. If you do so, you can just hand in one copy of the worksheet with all your names on it, and you will all get the same grade!
  • Start with the vocabulary task. Then read through the entire text once quickly without stopping (don’t let this take longer than 5 minutes!). Then read it through one more time and answer the questions as you go. You only need to understand the text well enough to answer the questions. Resist the urge to look up every unknown word!
  • RECOMMENDED (but NOT required!): S:6-1F (Practice reading short passages describing typical student housing arrangements; Click here for more info!)

2. **SUBMIT** Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 36-41. Click here to download a worksheet on the text, which you should fill out and hand in!

  • Please begin by reading the vocabulary on the worksheet.
  • Then look over the pictures, and read the assigned pages once quickly without stopping.
  • Then read the text one more time more carefully, and complete the worksheet.


***BITTE BRINGEN SIE NÄCHSTES MAL AUCH DEN TEXT VON IHREM ROLLENSPIEL!!*** We will have some time in class for you to rehearse your role play and brainstorm additional ideas.

1. **SUBMIT** Review the annotated Kapitel 6 vocabulary list (“Kapitel6CEM.docx”). Then complete and hand in this worksheet.

  • Remember the earlier advice to save Kapitel6CEM.docx on your computer and edit it to make it useful for you: highlight information you especially want to remember; delete information you’re less interested in, so that the parts that are most useful for you stand out.

2. **SUBMIT** AMD 6. Go to Canvas > Discussions. [LET YOUR INSTRUCTOR KNOW if you need an extra day to get this done!]


Dienstag, 3. Dezember

1. **SUBMIT** Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 42-48. Schreiben Sie dann 100 Wörter über das Buch. Ideen:

  • Schreiben Sie, was der Bär und der Tiger gemacht haben. Benutzen Sie das Perfekt [=conversational past]
  • Gefällt Ihnen das Ende des Buchs? [==> Das Ende des Buchs gefällt mir (nicht), weil…]
  • Was war besonders [=especially] interessant/gut? [==> Es war besonders interessant/gut, dass…]
  • NOTE: This is NOT an essay assignment, so don’t worry about making mistakes. Just have fun writing about the book auf Deutsch, and use the assignment as an opportunity to get some more practice with the Conversational Past!
  • Please begin by reading the vocabulary list.
  • Then look over the pictures, and read the assigned pages once quickly without stopping.
  • Then read the text one more time more carefully, and write 100 words about it.

2. OPTIONAL: Watch the “Kapitel 6 Videos zum Spaß

  • If you enjoy these, you could write about them for an AMD!


1. **SUBMIT** Main Kapitel 6 MindTap Due Date

2. **SUBMIT** Complete and hand in this worksheet.

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember


1. **SUBMIT** Kapitel 6 Kultur. Go to Canvas > Discussions.

1. **SUBMIT** Endexamen Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you’ve attempted most of the sections, you will get a “check”; if you’ve done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a “check plus.”
Dienstag, 10. Dezember


1. Lernen Sie für das Endexamen! IDEEN:

  • Visit this page to review the Kapitel 6 video lecture, as well as the other five video lectures for this semester. Watching them all again would take less than 3 hours, and at this point you should find everything much easier to understand!
  • Review the annotated Kapitel 6 vocabulary list. Hopefully, you have already saved the document with your own highlights and deletions to make it as useful as possible for you for studying for the test; if not, you can do so now! If you have time, review the annotated vocabulary lists from Kapitel 1-5 as well!

2. Sprechen und lesen Sie in den Ferien Deutsch!

Gehen Sie in einen Park, entspannen Sie sich, und sehen Sie sich die Pflanzen und Tiere an.
Sehen Sie einen Film, weil er ein Klassiker ist.
Lesen Sie ein Buch, weil es ein Klassiker ist.
Schreiben Sie einen Brief mit der Hand.
Fragen Sie einen alten Menschen über die alten Zeiten.

Frohe Ferien!!